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Misc Group Models - cleaned


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Corina - Set 1


We had already done a sexy topless set with Corina on the beach which was popular with the guys who witnessed it but I was determined to peruse an even sexier shoot as I knew this girl was special. I asked her her thoughts about posing nude and she replied she would love to, result! We arranged to meet the next day and go to our secluded beach for the shoot. I have to admit Corina was totally confident and relaxed and did not hesitate getting naked. I made sure we took our time for this set as we were definitely shooting superb content. I am happy to show this set to our members as yet again it shows how gorgeous and confident the girls in Romania are! Derek




Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Jessi - Angels Booty 2


The Angelic-faced first-time teen popular in 2011 returns for another shoot, and is more confident than ever! We meet up with her at the airport, and have her walk with her topless showing off those cute perky breasts! At home she does some stretching and shows off how flexible she is, then masturbates with the Eroscillator toy to a squirting orgasm with visible vaginal contractions! Then with a glass toy, penetrates herself anally as big as she can go, then fingering her vagina at the same time! Out at a gas station, she gasses up the car with her breasts out... then does some very flexible positions naked while spreading and pulling on her labia! Then trying a very large summer squash, she manages to penetrate the large side inside her, filling her completely! In a cute white dress & heels, she does more finger penetration and masturbation, then trying for 5 fingers... with a gaping finish. The Vibraking is used next, and brings her to another strong squirting orgasm, which leaves her butt dripping wet! Then there's a little bonus video her friend Malena took of her trying to fist...
Part 2, two months later: She gets D cup implants... waiting to shoot the other half...

Videos: 1920x1080, 720x480, 1463 MB, MP4

Jessi - Returning Squirter (5 videos) 35 min

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