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Misc Group Models - cleaned


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Lola - The Natural Masturbator


This gorgeous French-Canadian girl has that beautiful smile and is a total charmer -- and she's experiencing adult for the first time in her life. We spot her at the mall, and she starts flashing everywhere, but getting caught so many times as well! Eventually she takes all her clothes off at the parking lot and runs around naked, flashing the cars that drive by! After an interview at home, and finding out that she loves Star Trek (who would have thought!), she masturbates with her fingers to orgasm with visible vaginal contractions. We realize that she is a totally natural masturbator, able to orgasm without need of toys, several times a day! She talks about how she used a hairbrush handle when she was younger and demonstrates... having another orgasm! She does love to taste herself, and her juices build up on the brush... At a lunch break in a French restaurant, she talks French with the waiter, and flashes some more. She has that slim toned figure, and looks super hot in dresses & heels, so she tries on several sexy combos for us, then does a sensual dance to Latin music. Fingering herself vaginally, she ten experiments with a little anal fingering, and goes off to masturbate with fingers again to another visible orgasm. Trying out her kinky side, she uses her shoe heel for penetration, then tries a large dildo (the biggest thing she's ever had inside her!) seeing her limits. Spreads and a little gaping later (very tight) she's masturbating again, this time with a vibrator to orgasm. Back out on the road, she walks naked through a street, spotted by other drivers, then cools off at the pool. One of those super-fun, super-sweet First Timers, we hope she'll put more than a smile on your face :)

Videos: 1920x1080, 7100 MB

Fingers Do Me Best (6 videos)


Adventures in Heels (8 videos)


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Al Swearengen

Senior Member
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
2 nice girls...

Ɯy 9th videȱ 4 yǡ is from 2013.02.05. ₲uerlǡin & ⱡrinǡ J.: Ᵽlǡy ǡgǡin.

Dead Link Removed :idea:
Dead Link Removed :)
Ŧilehȱrst.de :lol:
Ŧiler.net :)

Dead Link Removed :mrgreen:
Dead Link Removed :headbang:
:exclaim: ₴hǡre-ʘnline.biz :exclaim:
ǡnd ǡgǡin ǡ slȱw hȱster:Dead Link Removed :mad:

runtime: 6:36,12 min.
resolution: 1920x1080
CoDec: XviƊ-Ɯ₱EϬ4 (ready 4 playing with a BD-player of your home cinema)
filesize: 142,21 Ɯ฿

btw: Thǡnks 4 clickin' ȱn "Thǡnks"...
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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score

Al Swearengen

Senior Member
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
again a nice girl...

Ɯy 10th vidєȱ 4 ұǡ is from 2013.02.24. Ⱡȱrєєn: ₴єlhȱ.

Dead Link Removed :idea:
Dead Link Removed :)
Ŧilєhȱrst.dє :lol:
Ŧilєr.nєt :)

Dead Link Removed :mrgreen:
Dead Link Removed :headbang:
:exclaim: ₴hǡre-ʘnlinє.biz :exclaim:
ǡnd ǡgǡin ǡ slȱw hȱster:Dead Link Removed :mad:

runtime: 5:08,24 min.
resolution: 1280x720
CoDec: XviƊ-Ɯ₱ЭϬ4 (rєady 4 playing with a BD-playєr of your homє cinєma)
filesize: 169,93 Ɯ฿

btw: Thǡnks 4 clickin' ȱn "Thǡnks"...
Last edited by a moderator: