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How much $ do they make?



It's quite staggering to think about the number of young women willing to get nude and/or have sex online for the whole world to see. Just an example Met-art.com has listed 150 models on their front page. Who knows how many others they have had over the 6yrs they have been online. Most of the models of Met-Art are really beautiful too. In my home town most all met-art models would be no less than a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10. So what is it about these young girls these days? How is it that so many bare it all and pose for pictures with a big fat dick in there mouth so easily? Is the money that good?


somewhat respected
Staff member
Aug 25, 2005
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I think the same often about some local strippers; really beautiful girls lap-dancing and getting fondled by idiots. Times are tough and we do what we must to get by. I'm an attorney, not many worse whores than in my profession. ;)


I think the same often about some local strippers; really beautiful girls lap-dancing and getting fondled by idiots. Times are tough and we do what we must to get by. I'm an attorney, not many worse whores than in my profession. ;)

Yes! your right, it's the same deal with strippers too. For sure, I'm very thankful for these beautiful girls. My issue is i'm gettin to old to be a part of all this fun. I don't have very deep pockets and now that i am startin to look older the hot chicks in thier 20's don't look my way anymore. Kinda sucks.


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2008
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I know a few strippers and they do very well. One girl does lap dances only and makes $500 per day. The other 2 girls will give bj's and handjobs and they make $700 to $1000 per day. Keep in mind that they have to tip club owners, bouncers and dj's so it cos them $300 before they start work then they can keep the rest that they make. Benifits include flexible hours and a clean safe work environment. That being said. They still have to act like they like their job no matter who the client is or however big of an asshole he is. And all girls must be available to have sex with the club owner whenever he wants it. Even the ones that only strip on stage.


Senior Member
Sep 1, 2004
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So giving BJ's and HJ's and being forced to have sex with the owner makes a "clean and safe environment"? Ya stds are super clean and safe.


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2011
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I know a few strippers and they do very well. One girl does lap dances only and makes $500 per day. The other 2 girls will give bj's and handjobs and they make $700 to $1000 per day. Keep in mind that they have to tip club owners, bouncers and dj's so it cos them $300 before they start work then they can keep the rest that they make. Benifits include flexible hours and a clean safe work environment. That being said. They still have to act like they like their job no matter who the client is or however big of an asshole he is. And all girls must be available to have sex with the club owner whenever he wants it. Even the ones that only strip on stage.

I have known a lot of strippers. I am also dating one. Most do not have sex with customers nor the owners/managers of the clubs. The ones that do are hookers not strippers or dancers. Most clubs would not allows such things to happen in the clubs cause they could loose their licenses and be shut down. And the ones that do such things outside of the clubs are, as said before, just hookers. If the club owners/managers find out the women are doing that they can and will most likely be fired.

Now yes there are some that do it and some clubs that allow it but they are few compared to the majority.


i also would like to include the girls you see in the self shots photos. Young girls like still in there teens are sending nude pictures and videos to there friends. They send pics to boys that are not even thier boyfriends without concern at all it appears. They make it like it's the thing to do and if you aren't doin it your not cool. Stickam girls are even taking it to another level. Gettin naked and what not for groups of followers online. I just don't remeber girls bein so free and willing to show it all years ago when i was a teen. It's pretty crazy if you ask me. i guess techknowlogy is making it very easy to show everyone what you got! A good example, my Avatar is a pic sent to my cell by friend who is very care free about sending pics of heself.