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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


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Nov 17, 2008
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Jan 10, 2006
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Actress: Mircea Monroe http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1597260/
Movie: Bloodwork http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1562567/
Tags: Mircea Monroe, Bloodwork, 2011, Slow-Motion, Tits, Breasts, Undressing, Kissing, Shes sneaks in the room of another test-subject, Then tries to seduce the poor guy, Takes off her shirt and kisses him, Then she decides to get more violent biting and punching him trying to somewhat r@p3 him, Sadly he wins and kicks her out of the room

Duration / Size / Resolution: 1:52 / 14,4 MB / 656×368
Format & Codec: AVI / Video: DivX 6.9.2 (1000kbps) & Audio: Mp3 (64kbps Mono)

Modifications: Raised Gamma, Brightness/Contrast, modified the colors (was way to blue), denoised the source and made a Slow-Motion Scene (Low Quality cause its quite blocky)

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