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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
images 1, 9, 12
05c. Do NOT post duplicates of images already posted or fully clothed images or head-shots; images must have 'sex-appeal'
Also, and this counts for most posts in the video section now, I dont understand why it's essential to post every bloody frame in a clip. What happened to a thumbsheet and two stills for illustrative purposes?


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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Post stacking is a combination both of compiling useless information as padding, and then the manner in which the infrmation and the images are displayed in the post.
Also the question is not about information added. It is the type of information added, the way in which that information is added and the manner in which is it and the images are displayed. (The following contains more than three sentences made up of polysyllabic words. Feel free to go away at this point if actually reading a discussion offends your sensibilities.)

For instance. It is not necessary to add the person's name in one line, then double space

before adding more info

Then double space again before adding more.

The post immadiately above and most of 1man's posts are good examples, but let's look at the immediately preceeding post.

I condensed it to this
Michelle Calvó IMDB Wikipedia

FHM (Spain) - February 2016

That contains all relevant information provided about the person and the shoot (I would have preferred photographer too but sometimes thats not available/known)and external links that provide all the verified information on the subject one could wish for. It is clean, neat and succinct. We don't need to know her cat's name or her favourite brand of pasta. We certainly don't need each nugget of info on a seperate line.

I don't have a problem with interesting information or observations, comparisons or comments on particular shoots. I do have a problem with the entirely redundant, triple spaced and dumped in just to pad the whole thing out, usually before the poster adds a bunch of images, one or two to a line. That's a thinly veiled tactic to dominate the page.

Interesting to note that those who offend in such a manner are also usually those who post using cash generating hosts. It does not, therefore, take a psychologist to fatom the motives of such posting tactics.

Oh yes. The editing to the above post. That was done immediately before I copied/pasted the original post code here as a new example, as was the PM sent to the poster enquiring if this biography was a draught intended for publication and open to critique. I'm not an idiot, or lazy. Just sarcastic and a little fed up.

And just to be clear, when these subjects are brought up here, and ideas are put forward for rules changes, it is not because us bone idle buggers have not spoken privately to the offending parties or can't be bothered to edit posts. It's because we have been forced to do so so bloody frequently that making something enforceable is the only logical best next step, and that , having discussed a matter privately with each other to consider possible solutions, opening such matters up to discussion among the rest of the management is both helpful and proper.

If not, what on God's green Earth are we doing here?


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
As far as I am concerned, any image host that forces me to disable my adblockers and anti adware/malware software to see an image has no business on a forum.
I hadn't had any kind of problem with adware/spyware/malware till I took up post here, and I have lost count of the amount of times I have had to open imagetwist images in a sandboxed browser to get past the flood of crap while protecting my machine.
All image hosts have popups. It's how they pay for their free service. However, Imagetwist clearly do not adequately examine the content/coding of the popups in which such malicious coding is embedded. That to me is an affront and should not be permitted.
But what the hell do I know?


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
I have been merging consecutive posts for quite some time. In fact I had a conversation with Ogar1 about merging some of his consecutive posts and he now adds to previous posts rather than simply posting another single. It was a constructive conversation. Not all of them are. I have been unable to make a logical case for merging non consecutive posts. If you can make one I'd appreciate reading it.
We too connsidered a separate section for social media but also concluded that the workload and confusion would be prohibitive. Consider GIFs and Wallpapers.
We do take the coding issue onboard. It was something yakovitch and I considered in conversation before we agreed to bring this to a wider discussion. My thought, rather than having separate sections, was to replicate what happens when you open the picture section and you see the "sticky" for megapacks. At the top of each person's thread a "sticky" for social media content, and then everything else below as now. We considered including beach candids etc, but since these days candids are often well framed professionally taken photo-ops, decided against it. Social media are generally single images and there is a lot of them. Most of them are near identical. Some can't be properly identified because there is no face. I can count on one hand the number of social media images posted I consider to be worthwhile.
However, if it is a matter of CSS programming and that is prohibitive then we must accept that and move on. However I would appreciate you adding to the proposed new rule a clause about faceless images unless they are part of a set/sequence that allows the subject to be unequivocally identified. Otherwise they really could be of anyone.
As an aside, I'm now removing images like this
The blurred out kids creep me out, and as far as I am concerned anything containing kids on an adult forum is inappropriate. This one isn't a discussion. It's a deal breaker for me. No kids. At all. Ever.
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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Your pitch. Your ball
That being said you're choosing not to grasp that this isn't a "1st post" issue, or that consolidation and editing aren't already happening.
F*** it. It's only the internet.
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Senior Member
Jul 25, 2011
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pamela anderson in snapdragon 720p

pamela anderson in snapdragon 720p

ACTRESS: pamela anderson
Format: mp4
PESA: 14 mb
RESOLUTION: 1280 x 720
DURATION: 0:57 min


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ACTRESS: pamela anderson
Format: mp4
WEIGHT: 29 mb
RESOLUTION: 1280 x 720
DURATION: 1:54 min


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ACTRESS: pamela anderson
Format: mp4
WEIGHT: 19 mb
RESOLUTION: 1280 x 720
DURATION: 1:18 min


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ACTRESS: pamela anderson
Format: mp4
WEIGHT: 19 mb
RESOLUTION: 1280 x 720
DURATION: 1:18 min


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Dead Link Removed

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