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Bush or Bald?


Registered User
Sep 22, 2010
Reaction score
Pammie Lee/Lubachka/Lubashka/Winona/Stasya ....... she goes by multiple different names depending on the website......
This girl has one of the sexiest pussy's that I have ever seen,
hairy or bald!
Full bush, but well trimmed and groomed, with not a hair out of
place and not a single extra hair to speak of.........

I am hooked on her and would give my life savings to marry her!

http://www.nude-gals.com/showphoto....11&pid=13092&title=Sensuous&models=Pammie Lee




♥ teen lover ♥
Staff Alumn
Dec 12, 2020
Reaction score
After reading through the thread. I can't figure out if this is a game of Name the Celeb and guess Bush Or Bald or if it's a preferential question for the members to describe which they like best Bush Or Bald.

My preference is bald.

I believe most celebs shave so my answer for which celebs choose, my answer will always be Bald :D

So yeah, Bald :D