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Avril Lavigne photo


Senior Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Okay this is sort of an old wound that never healed. Way back in Sep 2004 Avril had a show (not the show on 9 sep but a later one) at the Crobar club in New York where she got a little frisky and flashed her boobs to the crowd a few times, apparently really fast. An acquaintance of mine was at the show and had backstage access. He and a couple of people he was with were waiting backstage along the route she needed to take to get to the backstage exit from the building. She finally came along, they all did the usual fan / star thing and then Maynard29x (His posting name) mentioned he was disappointed she had flashed so fast that he couldn't get a picture and right then and there she flashed her boobs for him to take a pic.

And here is where I want kill Maynard29x. Obviously he is no pro photographer, he said he was literally a couple of feet away from her with no room to back up, she was a LOT shorter than him and he just focused on getting a pic of her boobs before she put the shirt down. It just did not occur to him at the time that if he did not get her face in the shot, or at least take another shot of her head with the same hallway/shirt, that no one would believe him. Maynard29x also stated that this outfit was what she was wearing onstage.

The pic was released on the forum [www.nowthatsfuckedup.com] which has been defunct for a very long time now. Back in 2004 I immediately scoured the internet for other photos from the concert (with the tools available in those days) and could find only pics from her 9 sep 2004 concert - nothing from the concert held during the week of 20 sep 2004. Here are the photos that I had posted in Newsgroup alt.binaries.nude.celebrity.female in hopes that SOMEBODY would be able to produce pics from the same concert to corroborate the boobies - I mean the pic in question. If anyone can find better info I'm sure that will, at the very least, qualify you for sainthood (EDIT): I should mention that the concert pics of her wearing black pants / pink top are not from the 20sep04 concert, just example pics to show that she frequently DOES wear this combo during performances

The original pic - I think. At least this was from the original release to the internet. I can't look at the EXIF data on this computer if somebody could that would be great. Also, this was a 2004 digital camera, not even sure if they had EXIF data then. The original website this was Dead Link Removed to tended to overwrite (and sometimes watermark) photos that were directly Dead Link Removed to it



Senior Member
Dec 12, 2004
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I am leaning towards fake. Why would Avril flash someone so they could get a picture?

Also that pic has a birthmark in her stomach, ive never seen that birthmark on Avril.


Senior Member
Sep 18, 2011
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I am leaning towards fake. Why would Avril flash someone so they could get a picture?

LOL. She flashed an entire audience armed with cameras. Why would she do that either?
I'm asking if anyone has found pics of her onstage OR after the show during her concert held the week of 20 sep 2004. To be perfectly honest, when I originally wrote those words in that pic back in 2004 I was picking my words carefully to not upset the "fake nazis" on the ABNCF newsgroup. I personally have no doubts it's her, mostly due to knowing the guy who took the pic and the circumstances. However that is not proof (hence the reason I have never posted it in these forums). It's not even circumstantial proof. While I'll probably never get solid proof :( I just wanna try and at least get a couple concert pics for comparison - and even that seems impossible
The punchline to all of this - he seemed at the time to think that there were bound to be more topless photos hitting the internet with all the people taking pics during her performance.
What really prompted me to bring all this up was seeing this pic - which I have not seen in a public forum for a looong time - suddenly make an appearance in the recent hacking scandals

Also that pic has a birthmark in her stomach, ive never seen that birthmark on Avril.
Not really sure what you are talking about. I see no birthmark


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2006
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Cool story, Bro. First, how were they just standing there? You don't think security would have kicked them out or just pushed past? Right.

Second, the pic was clearly taken in a narrow doorway with a thin closet type door like you'd find in a bedroom.

Third, shes so obviously not in a "flashing" position it's just ridiculous. You would expect her hands to be holding her shirt, instead we see arms in a position that indicate she has her hands away from her body in what is clearly a pose... which leads to...

Fourth WHO THE FUCK TAKES A PIC OF A FUCKING FAMOUS CELEBS TITS AND DOESN"T GET THEIR FACE IN IT!? She was obviously posed for a pic so her shirt wasn't coming down anytime soon, so the hes was in a rush excuse is bullshit. The whole "she was so short" excuse is also fucking retarded.. even if he was 6'5, getting a pic of a girl right in front of you doesn't require any kind of contortions or dicking around that would lead to not being able to get her face and tits in the shot. She would have to be three fucking feet tall for that to be an issue.

Fifth, Why she would flash a whole audience on stage and NOT some creepy fucks lurking in the backstage hallway with a camera asking for a flash cause "they missed it" during the show? Do you really need that pointed out to you? How being on stage is different than having some guys two feet from you?

You got trolled hard buddy.. your friend was fucking with you or trying to look like a cool guy. (kinda like how some people are trying to get their five minutes by connecting themselves with the Fappening by posting fakes etc..) Time to let it go.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2004
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LOL. She flashed an entire audience armed with cameras. Why would she do that either?

Its extremely different. Flashing an entire audience for 1s with lots of lights when lots is going is very different from showing her tits to a random guy 1-2 feet away so he can take a picture....

Not really sure what you are talking about. I see no birthmark

I took a look at several other Avril pics, including some high definition beach pics and never saw that mark once on her. Avril also has a few freckles between her tits, and none are present in that image.



Senior Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Yeah, that's how we felt. As for the rest, I don't care if you don't believe it. I'm pretty sure nobody cares.
If you have pics of the concert in question, ANY pics, post 'em. That's all I'm looking / asking for.

No one is going to prove / disprove the photo without some comparison photos from the same night in question, not me, not anyone. so bottom line is no one can say for certain it IS her without anything to back it up. This isn't a photo he found online that looked similar to Avril. Search it yourself. It was well documented at the time it happened that Avril was flashing the crowd all during the concert. It even made headline news. I've already been through the entire [it's gotta be her / are you a moron it can't be her] war of words 10 years ago.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2004
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I think the piercing is the only thing that makes it look like Avril. There are probably 100,000 girls in north America that have a very similar build, and im sure over 90% of them also have a red shirts...

You also said it was an acquaintance of your and you say your know the guy? Is this someone you only know online? Without going into any stories (one involves Jeri Ryan) ive heard 'claims' that were later proven to be false by semi-well known posters.

People make stuff up all the time. Many people are liars.

Overall I do think this *could* be Avril in theory, but im highly leaning towards it just being a fake. I have several pictures from 2004, and not a single one of them has that birthmark, while other birthmarks aren't present.

Finally, got any links to the article of her flashing her boobs? Back in 2004 she occasionally flashed people (she was wild those years), but always had a bra underneath her shirt. Maybe you miss read the article or the author miss represented the facts? Because it seems if she did flash her boobs several times, someone (or many people) would of got a pic of it on stage and posted it (even if was very low quality).... I mean back then even her hooters Halloween outfit stage dance got posted (pics and clips) and she was dully clothed.

Also the topless pic you posted appears to be showing a woman wearing some sort of belt that has some sort of metal clipping that does not match the concert belt pic you posted.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2006
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That topless picture is a fake. Avril doesn't have a mole on her right side like the girl in that picture.



Senior Member
Feb 4, 2006
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This picture from the latest Fappening is the only proven picture of Avril's breasts.

Someone would have had to actually notice that hard to see birthmark on her breast before this picture leaked to have faked that birthmark.
