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Banned User
May 15, 2023
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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1.28GB Sean Young & Patrick Bergin, etc - LoveCrimes-1040p 01:23:54
(circa 1992)~He's a master of seduction but is it a fantasy or a nightmare?~




[+Plus caps & a full cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
{v~Or Here~v}

HD-1920X1040p 01:24:54 H264/23.97fps/2050kbps AAC/44100kHz-English Thx2> original poster (op)

A tough female district attorney is investigating a man who picks out women from
public places by posing as a famous photographer, then takes pictures of them, then
exploits their submissive tendencies and takes advantage of them physically and financially.
The trouble is that none of these women want to press charges, because they feel fulfilled
in some way by their encounter. The DA arranges to meet him and finds herself in a similar
situation as the other victims and now has to come to grips with her own submissive desires...

The cast of 'Love Crimes' includes;
Sean Young :p as Dana Greenway,
Arnetia Walker :p as Maria Johnson,
Fern Dorsey :p as Colleen Dells,
Dianne Butler :p as Kelly Andrews,
Sarah Bork :p as Clarice Greenway,
Rebecca Wackler :p as Cecilia,
Patrick Bergin :cool: as David Hanover,
James Read :cool: as Stanton Gray and
Ron Orbach :cool: as Det. Eugene Tully.

This movie got the raspberry award, not for the acting, which is good but for the false
and implausible storyline, (that many of women secretly enjoy being taken advatage of).
99% of women 'do not' enjoy being taken advatage of, especially physically and financially!

If your young & live in a true democracy & you're of voting age, VOTE!
In the words of Willie Velasquez; "Your vote is your voice". The top
1% of the world's wealth, runs our governments with their $$$$ greed
& influence but hey, 'we got the numbers' but not if 'we' don't VOTE!
It's imperative that 'we' VOTE 'the wealthy-extremist politicians' OUT!

If you like my 'Nude Celeb Forum' posts? Here's some more...

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