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Senior Member
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Jul 23, 2009
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Andrea Toth - Dancing with the Stars Hungary S02E01

Size: 96 MB
Duration: 04:48
Resolution: 1280x720
Format: MKV


Download link:

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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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1.23GB Marie Forsa, etc. - Butterflies+~01:31:10 HQ-SD 704X528p
(circa 1975)~Denise dreams of more but will she like what she finds?~





[+Plus a Full Cap+]

{v~Download the MKV Here~v}
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ-SD-704X528p 01:31:10 H264/30.00fps/1900kbps 48000kHz~English Thx2> original poster (op)

Beautiful, young & restless, Denise can’t stand another day on her family’s farm & is
bored with the same country boyfriend. She dreams of becoming a fashion model & life in
the fast lane, so she packs her bags & sets out for the city determined to experience every one
of her glamorous & erotic fantasies. Soon she meets Frank, a smooth talking nightclub owner
who takes her in & gives her a taste of the life she so desperately craves while fulfilling all
of her deepest desires. Frank, though, is not a one-woman man & she discovers his harem
of sexy playthings who will do anything & everything for him anywhere, anytime! Feeling
betrayed, Denise discovers the truth talking with one of Frank’s girls, who opens her eyes
to this cruel world of hot-blooded lust & gasping sex. But Denise must still confront Frank
& all of his lovers & has to decide how far she will go to make her fashion fantasies come true..?

An artistic adult classic with Harry Reems & a 19-year old Marie Forsa!

The cast of Butterflies includes;
Marie Forsa :razz: as Denise,
Zoe Uva :razz: as Marina,
Irene Wendlin :razz: as Winnie
Heidi Kappler :razz: (as Natascha Verell)
& Harry Reems :cool: as Frank the womanizer.

Be Smart & Stay Cool :cool: by Being Safe, wear a mask when you are
in public. With COVID-19 & it's even more infectious variants. Save lives
by getting vaccinated. The vaccines are Safe!! Booster shots are recommended.
But if you've already had the first 2 shots, you're far less likely to die from COVID.

I know everyone wants to get back to life as normal but until the majority
of the world has been vaccinated we're not yet out of the woods, COVID is a
tricky fucking virus! It's already mutated thrice with the Delta & the two Omicron
variants. Who knows which variant will be next? We mustn't let our guard down
until 'we', as in: 70%-of-the-world-community has gotten a lid on COVID. Demand the
rich nations politicians (or vampires as I call them) to fund the whole world's vaccination!!

If you like my 'movies'?? Here's a link to more of my 'movies'.

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May 19, 2022
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https://rapidgator.net/folder/6603551/Ultimate Maria Ozawa Pack UNCENSORED .html