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HQ~@~Fullscreen~HD-1280X720 02:56:31 44100kHz~French H264 Thx2> original poster (op)
The language of this movie is mainly French.
Adèle~Adèle :razz: is a young preschool teacher who's beginning to explore herself as
a woman. She tries a man but finds little sexual satisfaction with him. She has lesbian
dreams & is rejected by a female friend, whom she's lusted after. When at a night-club
she meets Emma~Lea :razz: who's a blue haired & eyed lesbian, who Adèle's friends reject
due to her sexuality & by association they begin to reject Adèle also. Her relationship
with Emma grows into more than just friends, as lovers Emma is the only one with who
she can openly express herself with. Together, Adèle & Emma fall in love with each-other
& they begin to explore the social & emotional spectrum of their maturing lesbian love.
After Adèle has sex with a boy, Adèle & Emma try again but their lesbian love is not to be...
Rated NC-17 for explicit sexual content. It certainly is one of the
more sexually explicit lesbian movies to ever hit the big screen!
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