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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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606MB Sybil Danning Linda Carol & Wendy O. Williams - ReformSchoolGirls+~01:25:34

606MB Sybil Danning Linda Carol & Wendy O. Williams - ReformSchoolGirls+~01:25:34
(circa 1986)~So young so pretty...Some girls get tough, some go insane & some will die~



[+Plus a Full Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
Dead Link Removed/kr58jpid
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:25:34 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:

Jennifer~Linda :razz: is sent to a women's reform school that is run by the evil
warden Sutter~Sybil :razz: & her henchwoman Edna. Jennifer will do anything to
escape but she also has to deal with the school's bully, Charlie Chambliss~Wendy :razz:

Also with Sherri Stoner :razz: who portrays the inocent Lisa & several
other babes including; Darcy DeMoss :razz: Denise Gordy :razz: & Tiffany Helm :razz:

It's a tough '80s movie about scantily-clad confined babes!!!
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Senior Member
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Maria Sol Perez (Argentinian model) hot in a very tiny catsuit with a big cleavage, showing her big tits and shaking her beautiful ass while she dances on a tv show (2 videos):

Before & After Performance (Disco-baile):

Download: (76,30 MB - 1 min 27 secs - 1280x720 - MP4)

Dead Link Removed

Dead Link Removed

Performance (Disco-baile):

Download: (119,31 MB - 1 min 44 secs - 1280x720 - MP4)

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Captain Video

Respected Member
Respected Member
Mar 2, 2013
Reaction score
:) Alice Eve - Late Late Show with James Corden - 9-4-2018

Full Interview

244 MB | 16 Min 49 Sec | 1280x1080 | MP4
http://Dead Link Removed.net/file/j2b6dutn/AEJC9418.mp4
Dead Link Removed - AEJC9418.mp4 - 243.8 MB
1 Minute Clip

22 MB | 1 Minute | 1280x1080 | MP4
Dead Link Removed - AEJC942018.mp4 - 21.7 MB
Dead Link Removed - AEJC942018.mp4 - 21.7 MB
Dead Link Removed - AEJC942018.mp4 - 21.7 MB
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Celebrity Videos - cleaned

543MB Catherine Deneuve David Bowie & Susan Sarandon - TheHunger+~01:21:28 HQ~SD-576p
(circa 1983)~Nothing Human Loves Forever. Only respect for the departed David Bowie {rip}~ :angelwing






[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
Dead Link Removed/h54vuarm
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:21:28 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:

John~David :cool: and Miriam~Catherine :razz: Blaylock are a sexy young New York
vampire couple. The undead have abandoned their old Transylvania castle and
have moved into a beautiful Manhattan penthouse, where John and Miriam enjoy
all the benefits of the vampire lifestyle in their beautiful Manhattan apartment with lots
of fresh young flesh available and performing classical music with a neighbor girl Alice.
They take advantage of the ability to seduce disco goers and then drinking in their blood.
And always without ever arousing any suspicions from the police at all.
Did I say John and Miriam were young? I had better clarify that somewhat. John is
actually over two hundred years old, and Miriam is even older- in fact, she is immortal
and ageless. John however, is not. He was not born a vampire but rather he is a human
being turned to vampirism by Miriam. This causes one problem. Although such turned
humans have a lifespan way beyond the mortal, they are not immortal but after reaching
a certain point they start to age rapidly, whereupon they start to decompose into a sort of
living corpse.
It bothers John that Miriam keeps all her previous lovers in coffins in their penthouse.
John starts aging rapidly and he begins rail against it and in a vain search for a cure he
consults Sarah~Susan :razz: who's a specialist, specializing in research of the aging process.
Then John takes their young violinist friend Alice's life! Despite the fact that innocent
Alice is only fifteen! It's not really clear why he does so, anger lust (or in a fit of sexually
jealousy, after learning that Miriam is planning to take her as next vampire lover, a
disco chick who swings both ways also).
Sarah goes to the Blaylock apartment, thinking that John will make an interesting subject
for her research but ends up being seduced by Miriam instead, who is hoping heterosexual
Sarah, will become her lesbian vampire lover! But Miriam's lust for Sarah's flesh is too strong!!!

'The Hunger' is strikingly erotic and airy, accompanied by soaring classical music
rather than the dark spooky chords that's normally associated with vampire films...


Respected Member
Respected Member
Dec 16, 2008
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Celebrity Videos - cleaned

Emily Sears | Playboy

Video: Web-dl - MP4 - 1920x1080p - video bit rate: 1.982 Mbps
Size: 19.4 Mb
Duration: 1 Min 17 Sec

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