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zorg cleaning [do not remove]


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Celebrity Videos - cleaned

728MB Nastassja Kinski + Ania Pieroni - StayAsYouAre+~01:41:54 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1978)~Sweet young Francesca is blessed with the seductive gift of beauty~




[+Plus a Full Cap+]

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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:41:54 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:
English and a little Italian verbage/audio. It's also known as; 'Cosi come sei'

A May-December romance. When Giulio Marengo an Italian landscape architect
who's unhappy in his marriage meets Francesca~Nastassja :razz: a young and beautiful
Florentine and he discovers she might be his daughter. He resolves to keep his hands
off but can't seem to stay away and she's eager for a lover who's a father figure. Her sexy
girlfriend Cecilia~Ania Pieroni :razz: helps him to understand Francesca. He tries to find
out who her father is. His wife knows something is up? His daughter is Francesca's age,
is pregnant and encourages the affair! Should he tell Francesca he fears that it might be
incest? If he tells her and she doesn't care, what next? And what of his wife and his marriage?

It's an excellent adult drama about the real possibility father-daughter-incest!

BTW; Nastassja was only 17 years-old during the filming of this movie...
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