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HQ~@~Fullscreen-720X576 28:56 22050kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) Needing extra cash, two brothers Andy & Hank conspire to pull off
the perfect, victim-less crime. No guns, no violence, no problem. All the
while, Hank is having an affair with Andy's wife, Gina~Marisa :razz: Their
mother dies when a robbery accomplice ignores the rules and crosses the line,
his actions trigger a terrible series of events & everyone winds-up getting hurt...
[++Plus a Marisa Tomei - BeforeTheDevilKnowsYou'reDead wallpaper++]
574MB Joan Severance - ProfileForMurder+~01:25:45 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1996)~A perfect stranger, a perfect lover & the prime suspect~
[+Plus a Cap+]
{v~Download the MP4 Here~v} Dead Link Removed
{v~Here~v} Dead Link Removed
{v~Or Here~v} https://mega.nz/#!A7Y2zYbI!_ZsrJj9ceiitlmA20hguzXtooNO_WFqdZwxSsXNHF8k
HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:25:45 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)
Converted from an old 1.19GB DivX AVI... Adrian Cross is a rich businessman who likes the night life & the women that
go along with it. Needless to say some are attracted to his money attitude & rugged
looks. So when a woman turns up brutally murdered after a night-cap with Cross,
he's held by the police as they try to put something together. A police psychiatrist,
Dr. Hanna Carras~Joan :razz: is brought in to study him & try to get inside his mind.
Cross is more than just a stereotypical rich man. He flows with this laid back charm
& style. His entire body mind & soul spew style in a not so everyday manner. When
they talk, he's all mouth and she's all ears. He's got this forward way of talking. He tells
it the way that it is & is less than subtle at times. The words always come out the same
way, provocative & biting. But is he the killer & is sexy Dr. Carras slowly falling for him???
375MB Joan Severance + Tanya Roberts - AlmostPregnant+~01:25:40 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1992)~Funny & Sexy, definitely not your everyday ordinary bedtime story~
[+Plus a Cap+]
{v~Download the MP4 Here~v} Dead Link Removed
{v~Or Here~v}
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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:25:40 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) D/L Links Updated 6/14/20
A complex story about sexy Linda~Tanya :razz: who's husband
is infertile? Yet she's anxious to get pregnant, so she enlists the
help of a neighbor who's also her in-law. While her husband has
a sultry affair with that same neighbor's sexy wife Maureen~Joan :razz:
Two very beautiful & talented actresses in a funny sexy
& unusual story about trying to conceive a baby in a early
'90s world, with all of it's taboo's about sexual appropriateness...
635MB Joan Severance - IllicitBehavior+~01:34:58 HQ~SD 576p
635MB Joan Severance - IllicitBehavior+~01:34:58 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1992)~One bad cop, one good cop & one dangerous woman~
Also starring; Jack Scalia Robert Davi and James Russo
[+Plus a Cap+]
{v~Download the MP4 Here~v} Dead Link Removed
{v~Here~v} Dead Link Removed
{v~Or Here~v} https://mega.nz/#!orZi0SbL!ckVPTnFpeg5E9q8T3YGRGo_VrsIXBVkeuJAAvUarDcY
HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:34:58 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)
Converted from an old 1.28GB DivX AVI...
Melissa Yarnell~Joan :razz: is the wife of a burned-out cop, Mike Yarnell. Who takes
out his frustrations out on her sexually... When she reaches her limit, she turns to Matt
Walker & Bill Tanner, 2 other cops for protection & their interactions become illicit behavior...
With Jenilee Harrison :razz: of 3's Company fame, who portrays Charlene Lernoux.
Natalia Oreiro (Argentinian model & actress) sexy in very tight trousers, opening her legs wide and showing her big ass in a back of a photo session Jun.'18:
136MB Demi Moore - Striptease++~18:38 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1996)~Some mothers take their clothes off at work~
[+Plus a Cap+]
{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
Dead Link Removed/3786kkv3
{v~Here~v} http://depositfiles.com/files/mcyirme3d
{v~Or Here~v}
Dead Link Removed/v/aqRMp28KrkGnV
HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 18:38 48000kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)
Erin~Demi :razz: loses custody of her daughter when she get's divorced
from her husband Darrell, a small-time thief. Struggling, she becomes a
stripper at a nightclub, where one night congressman Dilbeck in disguise, assaults
another member of the audience. A spectator, who knows that Dilbeck is hot
for Erin, offers Erin a way to get her daughter back by blackmailing the congressman...