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zorg cleaning [do not remove]


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Celebrity Videos - cleaned

Charlotte Alexandra & Lise Danvers & Paloma Picasso - IMMORAL TALES
AKA Contes immoraux (1974)
AKA Therese the Philosopher , The Tide

Paloma Picasso Full Frontal
This is for whole segment. In it 8-16 beautiful peasant girls show everything but ass holes. They bathe and wash everywhere, including between legs (shown), they wash each other. There are many scenes where they show their tight supermodel butts, backs and legs full length and brightly lit for several minutes. One scene has about 16 girls naked from the back in one scene (butt lover's heaven!). One chick inserts pearls into her thick blonde pussy lips (hole is obscured by hand). A minor cat fight ensues--real pressing of flesh!

Paloma: She descends stair case in an almost see through lacy dress, her bush, tits, and legs are visible, but slightly obscured. She is stripped by the peasant girls to complete nudity, except for crown and you see big round butt, tits, and giant matted black pubes. She exits nude in full rear view then takes a bath in the girls blood, red covered nudity, it is washed away. She descends a staircase nude, with only a cape in back showing hair pie, tits preceded by another nubile peasant girl (brunette), who looks a lot like Shannon Doherty, but obviously is not. If this is not enough, the girl is stripped to show pubes, ass, and almost perfect no sag round tits with large round pink aureole and pencil eraser nipples and dressed in a translucent gown for an eventually nude, brief lesbian scene where her tit gets fondled. But wait, there's more! When it is over, they both lay side by side, well lit and buck naked and you take in their naked entirety from feet to bush to tits to face with no obstacles. Then one last look at girl descending almost naked full frontal with a cape. There is enough nudity in this one segment for 10-20 soft core mainstream films. ******There aren't enough stars in the heavens to rate this film! (BushLeague)

Lise Danvers Oral seduction by sea
She starts out wearing a sexy translucent cover over bikini. She strips out of it to show nice firm pubescent titties and thick matted black bush. She puts top back on, then boyfriend fondles left tit--slightly deformed nipples. A hair hole under her heart shaped ass does not reveal any lips. While giving head (not explicitly shown), her tunic hikes up and we get a full naked bottom view of her with long gazelle like legs. (BushLeague)

Pascale Christophe Full Frontal - Cute
01:15:00 Boobs! Buns! Great whopping loads of unkempt bush! As Paloma strips down Pascale so she can check herself out in a mirror, nothing is held back.
01:18:00 Furry full-frontal fun as Pascale lays on her back on the floor with Paloma Picasso. Now that's the kind of 'shag carpet' we like to see! (thefaceman32)

Florence Bellamy
In a movie filled with HOT HOT babes, she is the hottest. Perfect tits, not-too-full bush, ideal 70's-type body. I don't see any resemblance to SMG whatsoever, so don't go by that assessment. Just understand that she's saved for the end of the film for a good reason. Little bit of hair under the arms, but not as bad as Danvers. All the female stars are babes, but she just has that something extra (probably because she actually has an almost-decent sex scene: a little 3-some with her dad and brother, to be exact.) Hell, if she were my sister I'd probably lay some pipe in her myself. (slavedriver)

Charlotte Alexandra Fun with vegetables
Charlotte appears in the second part of this four part film and has a super-sexy masturbation scene. She is locked in a room, takes off her clothes and has fun with a cucumber. There's close-ups of her breasts, her bum and her bush. And a lot of panting. It goes on for a long time and it's well-worth seeing. (Serna)


FileJoker Links:

File size: 693 mb
File type: avi
Resolution: 480x280
Duration: 38:54

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, lesbian, hairy pussy, nudist, nudism, threesome, 3some, groupsex, Immoral Tales, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
celebrity videos clean

Adriana Esteves - Real Beleza (2015)


FileJoker Link:
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File size: 85,7 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 02:18

(celebrity, uncut, Full frontal female nudity, bush, butt, breasts, hairy pussy, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
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Senior Member
Nov 20, 2017
Reaction score
Sammi Hanratty, Tina Ivlev - Shameless S08 E12 1080p (2018)

Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 1920x1080 23.976fps [V: English [eng] (h264 main L4.0, yuv420p, 1920x1080)]
Audio: AAC 48000Hz 6ch [A: English [eng] (aac lc, 48000 Hz, 5.1)]
Size: 159 MB
Durration: 4:39

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
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Aitana Sanchez-Gijon - Bajarse al Moro (1988)

Aitana Sánchez-Gijón is an Italian-born actress who has been featured in movies like A Walk in the Clouds, Volavérunt, and The Machinist.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 188 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 05:03

(celebrity, uncut, Full frontal female nudity, bush, butt, breasts, hairy pussy, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score

Alexia Rasmussen - Creative Control (2015)

Alexia Rasmusseen seen through an opening in the wall as she and a guy have sex, her legs first visible over the guy's shoulders before she flips over onto all fours and her breasts briefly come into view before she becomes partially blocked by the wall again.

Alexia Rasmussen seen naked from the side, her back half digitized as an avatar as a guy imagines her climbing into his lap while he sits on a chair and having sex with him. We then see a 100% real Alexia having sex with a different guy, her breasts visible in a closer view as she also rides that guy in his lap.

Alexia Rasmussen walking into a room topless, holding a dress around her waist as she walks behind a guy and past some mirrors before turning in front of him.

Alexia Rasmussen seen partially digitized as an avatar as a guy has sex with her standing up against a window at night.


FileJoker Link:
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File size: 118 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1916x792
Duration: 03:20

(celebrity, uncut, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
celebrity videos clean

Emma Bell - Fly On The Wings Of Love (2013)

Emma Bell has been featured on TV shows like The Walking Dead and The Bedford Diaries, and has starred in movies such as Final Destination 5 and Frozen.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 20,7 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 00:36

(celebrity, uncut, Foursome sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Laura Antonelli - L'innocente (1976)

Laura Antonelli laying back in bed as a guy lifts up her dress and exposes her bush, followed by her breasts. The guy then runs his hands over her body and pulls more of the dress off to give us an even better view of Laura's breasts and bush. After a bit, he lifts her up and embraces her, Laura's bare butt coming into view.

Laura Antonelli is an Italian-born actress who has been featured in movies such as Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs (AKA Le spie vengono dal semifreddo), Devil in the Flesh (AKA e malizie di Venere), and The Divine Nymph (AKA Divina creatura). Later in her career, she had a recurring role on the TV series Disperatamente Giulia.


FileJoker Link:
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File size: 92,6 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1920x746
Duration: 02:04

(celebrity, uncut, Full frontal female nudity, bush, butt, breasts, hairy pussy, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
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Senior Member
Nov 20, 2017
Reaction score
Celebrity Videos - cleaned

Kristin Lehman, etc - Altered Carbon S01 E02 1080p (2018)

Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 1920x1080 23.976fps [V: English [eng] (h264 main L4.0, yuv420p, 1920x1080)]
Audio: DD+ 48000Hz 6ch 448kbps [A: English [eng] (eac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1, 448 kb/s)]
Size: 302 MB
Duration: 10:45

need identify all "ETC"

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
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Sandra Yi Sencindiver

Sandra Yi Sencindiver was born on January 30, 1980 in Seoul, Korea. She is an actress, known for The Killing (2007), 2900 Happiness (2007) and Skytten (2013).

Sandra Yi Sencindiver - Den Fremmede (2015)
AKA The Stranger


FileJoker Link:

File size: 159 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1280x674
Duration: 04:25

(celebrity, uncut, Footjob, Foot Fetish, foot blowjob, Full frontal female nudity, bush, butt, breasts, shaving hairy pussy, Explicit sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Sara Hjort Ditlevsen - Borgman (2013)

Sara Hjort Ditlevsen sleeping in a bath tub with her breasts visible just above the water line as a couple dogs enter the room and sniff her before turning away while she remains asleep.

Sara Hjort Ditlevsen sitting topless on a bed as she drinks a glass of juice that a guy has given her and then lays down on her stomach on the bed while just wearing a pair of shorts.

Sara Hjort Ditlevsen standing up and removing her sweater before unzipping her dress as a guy watches. She then proceeds to drop off her bra, showing her breasts, and pull down her panties to stand naked in front of the guy with her bush and the lower part of her breasts in view from the side. From a deleted scene from Borgman.

Sara Hjort Ditlevsen showing her breasts briefly when seen sitting on a bed and pulling on a bra before turning around to look at a guy. From a deleted scene from Borgman.

Danish actress Sara Hjort Ditlevsen has been featured on TV shows like Forestillinger and Rita. She has also been in movies such as Excuse Me (AKA Undskyld jeg forstyrrer).


FileJoker Link:

File size: 52 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1280x534
Duration: 01:22

(celebrity, uncut,Full frontal female nudity, bush, butt, breasts, hairy pussy, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)