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Senior Member
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alejandra Maglietti (Argentinian model) sexy in a tiny swimsuit - tight jeans & +, showing her big ass in a comercial spot Oct.'17:

Download: (19,56 MB - 0 min 40 secs - 1920x1080 - MP4)

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Senior Member
Feb 2, 2012
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Lindsay Pulsipher
True Blood

Format : MPEG-4
File size : 30.7 MiB
Duration : 1mn 28s
Width : 1 280 pixels
Height : 720 pixels


Format : MPEG-4
File size : 36.3 MiB
Duration : 59s 895ms
Width : 1 280 pixels
Height : 720 pixels


Format : MPEG-4
File size : 38.4 MiB
Duration : 1mn 24s
Width : 1 280 pixels
Height : 720 pixels



Senior Member
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
Anna Paquin - True Blood - season 4

Format : MPEG-4
File size : 32.1 MiB
Duration : 1mn 10s
Width : 1 280 pixels
Height : 720 pixels

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Format : MPEG-4
File size : 18.5 MiB
Duration : 44s 755ms
Width : 1 280 pixels
Height : 720 pixels

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Format : MPEG-4
File size : 44.7 MiB
Duration : 59s 61ms
Width : 1 280 pixels
Height : 720 pixels

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Format : MPEG-4
File size : 13.1 MiB
Duration : 27s 779ms
Width : 1 280 pixels
Height : 720 pixels

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Format : MPEG-4
File size : 29.8 MiB
Duration : 2mn 9s
Width : 1 280 pixels
Height : 720 pixels

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Format : MPEG-4
File size : 19.7 MiB
Duration : 55s 15ms
Width : 1 280 pixels
Height : 720 pixels

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Olga Drozdova - Banditskiy Peterburg 2 (TV Mini-Series 2000)


FileJoker Link:
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File size: 19,5 Mb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 720x510
Duration: 01:52

(celebrity, uncut, sex scene, strip search, full frontal female nudity, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
celebrity videos clean

Charlotte Gainsbourg & Stacy Martin & Mia Goth - Nymphomaniac Director's Cut Vol 2

Stacy Martin lying in bed next to a guy naked as she rubs herself furiously trying to feel something and then gets out of bed and wets a washcloth and repeatedly slaps herself in between the legs to get some feeling until she freaks out and the guy rushes in to check on her. From Nymphomaniac: Volume II. Updated with a director's cut version that includes much better views between Stacy's legs as she masturbates and is of higher quality.

Stacy Martin first seen with her ass hanging out of the sheets on a bed as she sleeps and then giving us a slight look at her nipples as she looks out a window before finally having sex with a guy while lying on her stomach as he thrusts into her hard while on top of her.

Stacy Martin kissing a guy and pulling off his clothes before she herself pulls her panties off to show full nudity. The guy then stands against the wall as she approaches him and they place their hands between each other's legs. The guy then picks Stacy up and has hard sex with her against the wall before they move to the floor where Stacy has sex with the guy in his lap

Stacy Martin reclining bottomless on a sofa with her bush visible from the side as a guy sits on the floor next to her. We then see the guy playing with her vagina lips in explicit detail, though this view is likely of a body double.

Stacy Martin fully nude on top of a guy in bed as she rubs against his penis between her legs and tugs on with her hands for a bit before having sex with him, riding him and then ending up on her back and embracing the guy as he lays down with his head on her chest. From Nymphomaniac: Volume II. Updated with an extended version from the director's cut that is also of higher quality.

Charlotte Gainsbourg having two men remove her shirt and pants to reveal a beige bra and black panties and then removing those to reveal her fully nude body before they remove their own clothes and stand around naked talking about her in a different language. Charlotte then has sex with both guys at once, having them double-penetrate her as she is on top of one guy and the other guy stands behind her. After a while, both of them get upset and stand around arguing while she sits naked on the bed staring at their erections. From Nymphomaniac: Volume II. Updated to an extended version with more explicit footage.

Charlotte Gainsbourg bent over a couch arm and strapped down with her skirt flipped up showing her ass as a guy puts fingers inside of her to check out how wet she is and then takes a leather riding crop and repeatedly spanks her on the ass causing her butt cheeks to get more red each time he whips her.

Charlotte Gainsbourg strapped over a couch arm on her stomach as a guy lifts up her skirt to reveal her black panties and then pulling those down and getting some scissors to cut them off before finally inserting his fingers into her to see how wet she is and not liking the results. From Nymphomaniac: Volume II. Note: The close up views are likely a body double. Updated to a director's cut version with an explicit shot during the fingering

Charlotte Gainsbourg sitting topless in a chair in an office as a guy gives her some rope and makes her tie it in knots while he grabs a strip of cloth and then shoves it into her mouth and ties it behind her head to gag her as she struggles.

Charlotte Gainsbourg lifting up her blue dress to reveal her bush and ass and then bending over a couch with her pelvis pushed against some phone books before a guy whips her butt cheeks repeatedly with a cat o' nine tails causing her to bleed all while she starts to enjoy it and eventually orgasm from it while a voiceover narrates the scene.

Charlotte Gainsbourg sitting on a toilet in a bathroom masturbating until she notices she's bleeding and then looks to see what happened. From Nymphomaniac: Volume II. Note: The explicit views of her vagina.

Charlotte Gainsbourg on her knees going down on a guy in a chair as she slows goes up and down while sucking on his penis.

Charlotte Gainsbourg lying on a bed as Mia Goth opens Charlotte's blue dress to reveal her fully nude body and then Mia removing her own clothes to reveal her fully nude body as well before she runs her hand over Charlotte and kisses her fingers until finally she starts licking and sucking on Charlotte's very long nipples all during a lesbian scene.

FileJoker Links:
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File size: 664 Mb
File type: Mkv
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 22:28

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, real anal sex, dp, threesome, big black cock, double penetration, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Olga Kurylenko - Le Serpent (2006)
AKA The Snake

Quantum of Solace Bond girl Olga Kurylenko seen on a spy camera as she walks into a room in some skimpy underwear with a guy, shedding the underwear to go nude as she makes out with the guy and drapes herself on top of him. We then see the guy looking at some still photographs of the action afterward.

Olga Kurylenko giving us a nice look at her bare left breast and nipple as she drops a white robe off her shoulders. She is then seen posing for some sexy photographs for a guy, wearing skimpy underwear, including a see-through bra.

Olga Kurylenko making out with a guy after crying, showing her bare breasts as she wears an open robe and just some panties. As the guy moves away after she scratches his neck, we get a better view of Olga topless before she covers up with her robe.

Olga Kurylenko of Hitman fame naked and tied up with some rope, her bare breasts visible as she poses for some photographs in a bunch of different positions with a guy who is drugged into posing with her.

Ukranian model and actress Olga Kurylenko appears in Paris, je t'aime (AKA Paris, I Love You) and Le Serpent (AKA The Serpent). She also had a feature role in Hitman.


FileJoker Link:
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File size: 74 Mb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 1224x688
Duration: 02:17

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Sara Forestier - Love Battles (2013)
AKA Mes séances de lutte

Sara Forestier standing topless in a doorway when she pulls her dress over her head, revealing her panties and her bare breasts. She then walks toward a guy and guides him to another room before she turns around to walk away. From Love Battles (AKA Mes séances de lutte).

Sara Forestier lying on a sofa with her shirt hiked up to expose her right breast before a guy joins her on the couch and they wrestle around for a bit with Sara's legs wrapped around him.

Sara Forestier rolling around with a guy in a muddy stream in a forest as they undress each other and Sara shows full nudity. Sara then puts her legs around the guy and they have sex in the mud, Sara sitting in the guy's lap as he leans over to suck on her breasts.

Sara Forestier rolling around on the floor with a guy until they end up in a kitchen, where she climbs onto a table on her back and the guy hikes up her shirt to expose her breasts. She then wrestles with the guy while topless and he squeezes her breasts before carrying her into a stairway. The guy then places Sara on her back on the stairs as he pulls down her pants and then picks her up naked, placing her on his shoulders as he holds her up in a corner and goes down on her as she grabs his hair with her hand.

Sara Forestier wearing just a shirt that is hoked up to show her butt as she wresltes on the floor with a guy. He then removes her shirt and we see her naked as the guy has sex wit her from behind as she gets on all fours, then ends up sitting in his lap facing him and kissing him. We get one more full-frontal view from Sara as she then stands up and runs away.

Sara Forestier lying naked in an empty bath tub when a guy kneels down beside the tub and talks to her. She sits up and then has the guy lift her out. They then lay down in bed together and roll themselves up in a blanket and Sara begins to put her hand around the guy's neck. Sara Forestier rolling around in bed with a guy as they wrestle and end up on the floor together. We see Sara fight with the guy some more before lying on her back naked with her breasts in view.

Sara Forestier naked as she and a guy crawl up a stairway and then lay down on a wood floor together, Sara showing full nudity as the guy lies behind her and reaches around to cup her breast with his hand.


FileJoker Links:

File size: 672 Mb
File type: Mkv
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 15:43

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, oral sex, licking pussy, full frontal female nudity, male nudity, hairy pussy, penis, sensual, uncensored scene, naked, nude)