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Celebrity Connoisseur
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Jan 30, 2017
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Celebrity Videos - cleaned

107MB Harvey Keitel Tisa Farrow & Tanya Roberts - Fingers+~18:37 HQ~SD
(circa 1978)~Jimmy has the Fingers of an artist and the mind of a schizophrenic~



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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 18:37 22050kHz-mono H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

Fingers is a 1978 drama film directed by James Toback. starring Harvey Keitel :cool: as
Jimmy, a mentally disturbed Jewish concert pianist who also works for his loan shark
father as a 'collector'. He is a conflicted soul, torn between his art, his loyalty to his father,
his sexuality and his past. The film uses of music to create a dichotomy between what the
viewer is hearing and what they are seeing, which gives the viewer Jimmy's schizophrenic
outlook and feel. Tisa :razz: portrays Carol, a focus of estranged Jimmy's, skewd dual libido.
Tanya :razz: portrays a 'debtors' hooker girlfriend, whom he scams for some akward bathroom sex..!
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