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Yulia Mayarchuk


Senior Member
Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
AKA Trasgredire (2000)

Explicit Sex Scenes... Amazing Must See!!!!

++ Leila Carli doing some ironing on a hot night, her thin, see-through dress clinging to her breasts and butt. A guy watches her for a bit and then undresses her, giving us a look at her breasts and between her legs as he has sex with her.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk having Francesca Nunzi grab her breast through her top. Francesca then lifts up Yuliya's skirt to show her bush before reaching in and fingering her before they are interrupted by a ringing phone.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk leaning over a table in an apartment as Francesca Nunzi approaches her from behind and grabs her ass and reaches around to play with Yuliya's exposed breasts. The girls then make out and continue undressing before Yuliya lays back naked on the table, and Francesca goes down on her to finish this nice lesbian scene.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk and Francesca Nunzi reclining fully nude in a sauna amongst some other naked girls. Yuliya then goes for a quick swim and joins Francesca in the shower, where they rub against each other and Francesca puts her hand between Yuliya's legs.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk sitting bottomless in a bathroom as Francesca Nunzi squats beside her, comforting Yuliya and reaching around to grab her bare ass. The two then stand up and Francesca pulls down her skirt before the girls lesbian kiss each other and reach down between their legs.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk walking through a park in a somewhat see-through top and skirt, showing some pokey nipples through her top. We then see her flash a guy, first pulling up her skirt to reveal her bush, and then turning around and showing him her ass while walking away.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk lying in bed, pulling her dress up and giving us a good view as she sticks her fingers between her legs and masturbates while talking on the phone with a guy. She rolls over onto her side to give us a view of her bare butt, too.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk whipping her panties off to flash her bush to a guy as she rides on a small boat that he rows. They then stop and she pulls up her skirt to ride him while he reaches up to squeeze her exposed breasts as they have sex.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk fully nude as she hops up onto a massage table and rolls over onto her stomach. We then get a close view between her legs as a guy massages her thighs and then her ass.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk leaning over a photographer's table as a guy reaches up her skirt to find that she is wearing no panties, and begins to rub her between her legs.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk giving us an extended look at her nice nude body all around an apartment as she stands naked on the phone, then squats down to wash between her legs, and finally gets dressed for a party.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk dancing with a guy at an orgy party, her breasts coming out of her top as the guy reaches down between her legs.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk bottomless as a guy encounters her in the bathroom, and she leans over the bathtub as the guy has sex with her from behind and pulls her left breast out of her top.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk sleeping naked on a bed, waking up to answer the door and only covering herself up with a shirt. We then see her buns and bush for a while as she walks around an apartment with a guy while talking to him.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk bending over, giving us a nice close-up look at her ass while she gets undressed at a beach and then runs naked with bouncing breasts into the ocean.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk first running naked out of the ocean with her breasts bouncing, chased by a guy who takes some photographs when she lies naked and wet on the sand.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk standing bottomless in an apartment as she talks to a guy and then walks him over to a couch, where he sits down. She then unbuttons his pants and kneels down to give him oral sex.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk lying naked on the sand at a beach as a guy reaches between her legs and fingers her for a while, before putting his face down there instead. He then straddles Yuliya and has anal sex with her while holding her hair and reaching around to play with her breasts.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk sitting on the floor of an apartment in nothing but an open shirt, showing her breasts and bush when she kneels over a coffee table and writes a note.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk walking around an apartment in nothing but an unbuttoned shirt, showing breasts, buns and bush as she answers the phone and then excitedly gets dressed.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk wearing no bra as she runs across the grass to a guy in a park, her breasts bouncing nicely. He then lifts her up and spins her around, as we see an upskirt view of her thong.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk walking through a park in a somewhat see-through top and skirt, showing some pokey nipples through her top. We then see her flash a guy, first pulling up her skirt to reveal her bush, and then turning around and showing him her ass while walking away. From Cheeky! (AKA Trasgredire), a Tinto Brass film.

++ Yuliya Mayarchuk walking in the rain holding an umbrella and wearing a short pink sweater and a skirt with nothing underneath, revealing her bush and bare butt when the wind blows and whips her skirt up.


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File size: 963 mb
File type: mp4
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 54:44

(celebrity, cheeky, transgressions, hairy pussy, fuck, uncut, Explicit sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)