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US beer is crap


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2005
Reaction score
to hell!
I m f rom good ol' germany
we know how to brew beer
our beer is so delicious that it is exported in the us and people love it
for example world's finest beer is german
It is called BECKS!!

Got H22?

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2004
Reaction score
I really do hate a lot of the beer that comes from.....well.....a lot of places....but mainly anything that is lower than 5.9% because its just not my style. Ill drinik just about anything ice brewed or anything thats a heavy malt beverage like 211 or Hurricane....Yeah, they taste like shit but it takes a lot less to get drunk....plus you can get that shit cheap and in large quantities.....But if im just sippin on beer ill take a Miller High Life anyday.....You can have your Samuel Adams and your Budweiser Select but who are you fooling, under it all its the same ingredients and that same asstastic taste......


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2005
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For those who claim American beer is for pussies, I challenge you to drink a 12 pack of Steel Reserve 211. I myself, have long realized that if you are drinking to get drunk, sipping on a cold brew is not the way to go (whether it's "pussy" american beer, or crappy canadian beer). This is why I, and other hoosiers like myself choose to drop a shot of whisky in our beers (aka "boilermakers"). But you Canucks, with your gay marriage and what not, probably dont know anything about that. GO USA!


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Right. Some of us support gay marriage, so we obviously know nothing about mixed drink.

Sipping beer will get anyone drunk; it just depends on how fast you sip.

in Alberta it's 18.....I think there's one other place that's 18 also but the rest are 19
Manitoba and Quebec, I think. As if regulations have ever stopped minors from getting booze anyway.