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Say goodbye to Ashlee Simpson's career


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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My feelings are divided on "Hanoi Jane". Yes, I believe she did some shitty things while in Vietnam. Horrible things, really. But I also believe she was incredibly naive. She was against the war, as many of us were. Just think of Iraq...how many people think we should be there? Well, it was about the same thing back then.

I don't think Jane was anti-American, or anything. I think this country does incredibly stupid things all the time, but I love her, regardless. Jane just saw the war as unjust, and stuck her nose in where it didn't belong. She thought she was doing good, she was too trusting and caring for the Vietnamese, who, let's face it, didn't get such a good deal, either.

I used to be more bitter towards her, but now I just look at her old pictures and think...holy shit! She was a fuckin looker!:skeezy:


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2004
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I was hoping to see her transition into some nice sex scenes in future movies. Guess not now.
Read her tweets, it's like what a 15year old would write into her diary. This chick would have never ever done sex scenes anyway.


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2005
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A cutie. It's sad that she never graduated into adult roles. She was a total fuckdoll.


Live and let live
Staff Alumn
Mar 10, 2009
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Paris Hilton Busted

Paris Hilton was escorted from the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium for allegedly smoking marijuana on Friday evening, Dispatch Online reports.

Hilton was in Port Elizabeth attending the Brazil vs Netherlands quarterfinal match at Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, when she was escorted by police to the Mount Road Police Station in St Croix just before 8pm.

Provincial Head of Detectives in Port Elizabeth, Mark Magadlela, confirmed that Hilton was at the police station and had been released.

” There is an inquiry? I don’t want to comment further” he said.

source : Times live : South - Africa

Comment :
Yeah , sound about right . Take her drugs and let her go when she's sober . ( That's how we do it over here )


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
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Oh bless her!

First Cowboy: It's quiet.
Second Cowboy:Yeah...Too quiet.

Things have been just too quiet on the Paris Hilton front for just a little bit bit too long. And now she's back and in vintage Paris Hilton form. I wonder if she'll try the same techniques in the South African penal system?

Prison Governor: Is anything the matter Paris? Are you feeling unwell?
Paris: Prison's really nasty and I don't Like it!
Prison Governor: Oh dear, I'm very sorry to hear that. You'd better go straight home then.

Somehow, I am not entirely convinced that this is the way things go in South Africa.:mrgreen:


Live and let live
Staff Alumn
Mar 10, 2009
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:mrgreen: Smoking a joint is not a big thing over here .... realy . If you carry enough grass on you , to be able to sell , it's a problem . - She celebrated the Holland win - Nothing wrong with that . :mrgreen:


Respected Member
Oct 28, 2008
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This is just like the athletes who announced his retirement when they are young, when they need quick cash return :deal:


Senior Member
May 28, 2009
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I always liked Amanda Bynes myself. I'd be surprised if she really retired. I think friend26 has it exactly right.


Senior Member
May 28, 2009
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She just lost a court battle I know that. They didn't say what the court battle was about, only that she failed to prevent the release of certain documents. One might infer those documents are pictures or a sex tape. However, I'm not buying into the sex tape hype. Pictures maybe, but in almost every case in which there's been a sex video the celebrity in the video who is being exploited almost always wins the court battle. Case in point: the last time Lopez's ex husband tried this he lost in court. And that's what doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand how a judge could rule before that he ex has no right to sell the video, but now that the ex girlfriend of Lopez's ex husband has the video it's suddenly legal to sell it??? Just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And that article didn't have its fact straight in regards to Lopez never having done nude scenes, or never having been filmed by the paparazzi nude. We all know she's done topless scenes before. Also, she was caught by the paparazzi panyless as she exited a limo back in 98 or 99. Those pics are on the forum. I think the guy who wrote that article is a complete idiot.

Regardless, I hope he's right about a sex tape. I sure would like to see it. :) I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I'm not optimistic.