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Nuts Magazine


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Beth Humphreys, Hollie Sparrow, Jo Parker, Charlotte Springer, Hayley Sams & Laura Ho

six girls topless all in one shoot. Hot!

Filename: septimiu29-Beth Humphreys, Hollie Sparrow, Jo Parker, Charlotte Springer, Hayley Sams & Laura Hollyman - Six Girls Topless Video!.mp4
Filesize: 26.2 MiB
Format: MPEG-4
PlayTime: 00:02:00.150
1 video stream(s), 1 audio stream(s), 0 subtitle stream(s).

Video Stream 0:
Length: 00:02:00.066
Frames: 3602, 30.000 fps, 1633 Kbps CBR
Codec: MPEG-4V (Family: )
Dimensions: 640x360, AR: 16/9
Encoder: Lavc54.86.100

Audio Stream 0:
Codec: AAC LC, A_AAC/MPEG4/LC, AAC Low Complexity
Bitrate: 192 Kbps
Bitrate Mode: CBR
Sampling Rate: 48 KHz
Channel(s): 2 channel
Resolution: 16 bits per sample

n82kv23V1P68weev.rar - 25.52 MB