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not enough skin?

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Nov 18, 2013
Reaction score
Bit of a stupid precedent. There are so many posts on this board of talk show & red carpet interviews, TV show presentations etc that you'll end up deleting half the stuff that gets posted if you take the idea of "not enough skin". Are you now going to delete every Letterman or Kimmel post? Every morning show presenter or weathergirl? Every red carpet appearance or pap series of someone walking along the street? It's ridiculous.

Moderators or whomever supervises them might want to consider that too many rules, or rules that are too aggressively or inconsiderately enforced, serve to create an oppressive atmosphere, deter people taking part at all & kill off the fun of a board.
This seems very much like someone drunk with power flexing their muscles. If I was the poster I'd be hugely offended.


Staff Alumn
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
I agree with some of what you said about the "no-skin" rule.
The way I see it, the no-skin rule is one of the few things that distinguishes this forum from the thousands of other celebrity forums out there. All we ask from posters is that they be selective of what they post.
That being said, expect some inconsistency with regards to the enforcement of the no-skin rule.
Moderators are human and each person's perception of the no-skin rule is bound to vary.

Bit of a stupid precedent. There are so many posts on this board of talk show & red carpet interviews, TV show presentations etc that you'll end up deleting half the stuff that gets posted if you take the idea of "not enough skin". Are you now going to delete every Letterman or Kimmel post? Every morning show presenter or weathergirl? Every red carpet appearance or pap series of someone walking along the street? It's ridiculous..
Most of these posts are in celebrity videos. Unfortunately we've not been able to able to enforce the no-skin rule in this section for a variety of reasons that I will not go into. Are we going to delete all these posts? Not unless we get enough volunteers to do it for us. Are you willing to help?
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