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Naked On Stage


Respected Member
Respected Member
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
Cecile Robin Prevallee

Prima Ballerina with the Ballet Du Grand Theatre De Geneve
For the opening of the exhibit “protect Me” by the visual artist Aurйlie Mathigot at Flux Laboratory, Cйcile Robin Prйvalйe performed a dance from the choreographer Eric Oberdorff of Compagnie Humaine.
Cйcile Robin Prйvallйe was a soloist in the Grand Thйвtre de Genиve ballet until July 2009. Last May in Geneva, she played the role of Juliet in Joлlle Bouvier’s Romeo and Juliet.
After studying at the CNSM in Lyon, she began her career at the Ballet du Rhin. She was very quickly promoted to soloist. In 2001, Maurice Bйjart invited her to dance the role of the Chosen One in The Rite of Spring with his company at the Palais des Congrиs in Paris. She then joined the Ballets de Monte-Carlo.

Naked on Stage - Cecile Robin Prevallee Prima Ballerina.mp4
479.38 mb
4.27 min
