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Movie T&A rating section?



I would assume i am not the only one here that watches movies hoping to see the hot babe get naked. I was wondering if a section for members to rate Movie T&A could be setup. So before i rent or download a moviei can see if it's worth it. For myself movies from 1980 and newer would do. Members watch a movie then come here and post a sort review. A request section for movies not already reviewed that other members can follow up on if they have seen it. Just a thought. I watch alot of movies mysef, i would use something like this all the time.

Movie Name: Title & (cover pic)

Overall Rating: ****

T&A Rating: ****

Hot Babes in Movie & # times nude or sexy:

(add vid capture or sort clip or link to that babes section)?

Thank you


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
I would assume i am not the only one here that watches movies hoping to see the hot babe get naked. I was wondering if a section for members to rate Movie T&A could be setup. So before i rent or download a moviei can see if it's worth it. For myself movies from 1980 and newer would do. Members watch a movie then come here and post a sort review. A request section for movies not already reviewed that other members can follow up on if they have seen it. Just a thought. I watch alot of movies mysef, i would use something like this all the time.

Movie Name: Title & (cover pic)

Overall Rating: ****

T&A Rating: ****

Hot Babes in Movie & # times nude or sexy:

(add vid capture or sort clip or link to that babes section)?

Thank you

Are you talking about regular movies with bonus T&A or hardcore ?



Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
Mr.Skin is great but also requires a membership.

you can get the tits and ass info for free, you can also see small preview thumbnails for free. That should be enough to decide wether to get the movie or not. And if it's not enough you can always come back here and search video section. I don't think we need a separate section for it. Maybe a thread but not a section.


Making 'em disappear
Staff Alumn
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
With the literal tens of thousands of movies and TV shows out there, and as a web developer of 17 years experience, what you are asking would take years of work. As mentioned by KA, Mr. Skin already has what you are looking for. Why re-create the wheel?

True, Mr. Skin requires a membership but if someone put a couple years of his life into creating what you are asking for, I wouldn't blame them for wanting to profit from that hard work.

Besides, Mr. Skin's free section is much more than enough to determine if a movie is worth the trouble or not: a brief review, a full breakdown of any noteworthy scenes, and even the time-code of when the scene occurs...that's all free there. You could then easily search for screenshots either here or on Google. If the scene is even remote decent, you'll probably be able to find it here anyways. What more would you need?


betreid I was just thinkin just mainstream movies. I just figured i like using this website. So having this here at one site would be convenient. I have been going back and forther like starduster suggested. And starduster i totally agree Mr skin (along w/ all modeling sites)deserve compensation for the use of all the resources they have put together on thier website. Unfortunately extra cash is very tough to come by these days, so it was just a thought. with the large number of members availible here that could contribute to a section the data could build up quit fast i'm sure. If no one is up for it , thats fine too. I can continue to refer between sites no prob.


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
Like -KA- said, you could start a thread.
To avoid duplication, use links to the Celeb Videos.
You could put a link to the thread in your signature to advertise it.
Good luck.



Registered User
Jul 27, 2013
Reaction score
Mrskin.com is definitely one of the hottest sites on the internet. I love celebs and they just did that site perfectly. Since 1999 they have been fast forwarding to the fast parts!