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Fat/chubby actress nude in movies


Registered User
Sep 29, 2013
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Share name of actress and movie in order to collect as many as we can.
Carol Abboud - Terra incognita (2002)
Christa Abel - Das liebestolle Internat (1982) , Gaudi in der Lederhose (1977)
Amanda Aday - Carnivàle (2003–2005)
Lynne Adams - Silent Hunter (1995)
Jane Alexander - Tell Me You Love Me (2007– )
Susan Allenback - A Dirty Shame (2004)
Natalya Andreychenko - Sibiriada (1979)
Marie Angel - The Death of a Composer: Rosa, a Horse Drama (1999)
Eileen Atkins - Vanity Fair (2004)
Mia Austen - Summer In February (2013)

Becky Ann Baker - Girls (2012– )
Josiane Balasko - Cette femme-là (2003), Gazon maudit, Trop belle pour toi (1989)
Lourdes Barba - Amor idiota (2004)
Frances Barber - Boudica (2003)
Christine Barger - American Pie Presents Beta House (2007)
Virginia Barrett - Fallo! (2003)
Kathy Bates - About Schmidt (2002), At Play in the Fields of the Lord (1991)
Maria Antonietta Beluzzi - Il piatto piange (1974), Amarcord (1973)
Eva Bergen - Conejo en la luna (2004)
Claire Benito - Bad Boy Bubby (1993)
Jasna Beri - Lepota poroka (1986)
Brigid Berlin - Pie in the Sky: The Brigid Berlin Story (2000)
Manuela Biedermann - The Physician (2013)
Camilla Bisgaard - Like Me (2008)
Louise Blachère - Naissance des pieuvres (2007)
Mirjana Blaskovic - Šmeker (1986)
Dijn Blom - Jezus is een Palestijn (1999)
Christin Borge - Mors Elling (2003)
Nina Andresen Borud - Hjem til jul (2010)
Ruth Bradley - In Her Skin (2009)
Charlotte Brittain - Secret Society (2000)
Helen Brugat - Paradies: Liebe (2012)
Ines Burdow - Alles Klara: Season 1, Episode 7 Wanderung in den Tod (7 Jun. 2012)
Kathy Burke - Mr. Wroe's Virgins (1993)
Conceição Camaroti - A Febre do Rato (2011)
Severine Caneele - L'humanité (1999)
Taylor Cardace - Shameless: Season 4, Episode 2 My Oldest Daughter
Tantoo Cardinal - Unnatural & Accidental (2006)
Wilza Carla - Guerra Conjugal (1976)
Monica del Carmen - Año bisiesto (2010)
Jacqueline Carol - Blue Summer (1973)
Jolene Carroll - Iron Jawed Angels (2004)
Suezn Carpenter - Young Triffie's Been Made Away With (2006)
Florinda Chico - Cría cuervos (1976)
Fabienne Chaudat - Temps de chien (1996)
Tatyana Chepikova - Malenkiy gigant bolshogo seksa (1993)
Pam St. Clement - Play for Today (1970–1984)
Veronica Clifford - The Raggedy Rawney (1988)
Pauline Collins - Shirley Valentine (1989)
Olivia Colman - Confetti (2006)
Stephanie Cooper - Bad Boy Bubby (1993)
Cynthia Coray - Räuberinnen (2009)
Velvet D'Amour - Avida (2006)
Rebecca Davies - Desperate Romantics (2009– )
Claire Davenport - The Tempest (1979) , Adventures of a Plumber's Mate (1978)
Patti D'Arbanville - The Sopranos (1999–2007)
Berta de la Dehesa - El camino de los ingleses (2006)
Teté Delgado - Gordos (2009)
Lucia D'Elia - Buio Omega (1979)
Missy Doty - Sideways (2004)
Elizabeth De Razzo - Eastbound & Down (2009–2013)
Hannah de Leeuwe - Keetje Tippel (1975)
Felicity Dean - Steaming (1985)
Sally Dexter - A Few Short Journeys of the Heart (1994)
Pamela Diaz - The L Word (2004–2009)
Judith Drake - Tales of Ordinary Madness (1981)
Merrin Dungey - Hung (2009–2011)
Sissi Duparc - Les textiles (2004)
Lynette DuPree - Best Night Ever (2013)
Katherine Durio - Cold Mountain (2003)
Sara-Jo Edlin - Greetings (1968)
Natalya Egorova - Tayny dvortsovykh perevorotov (2001– )
Cynthia Ettinger - Carnivàle (2003–2005)
Liz Ewing - Gentlemen's Relish (2001)
Moeko Ezawa - Marusa no onna (1987) , Akai kami no onna (1979)
Andrea Ferreol - La grande bouffe (1973) , Le trio infernal (1974), Despair (1978)
Pam Ferris - Mrs. Hartley and the Growth Centre (1995)
Elena Fiore - Mimì metallurgico ferito nell'onore (1972)
Gabi Fleming - The Lives of Others (2006)
Magdalena Flores - Japón (2002)
Cameron Foord - Childhood's End (1996)
Lois Foraker - Dirty Harry (1971)
Johanne Fontaine - Roméo et Juliette (2006)
Leslie Frank - Night Fangs (2005)
Claudia Fritzsche - Klassenfahrt - Geknutscht wird immer (2004)
Nanou Garcia - Naturellement (2002)
Cathy Garpershak - Porky's (1982)
Antonella Giacomini - Blade Violent - I violenti (1983)
Billie Gibson - The Shining (1980)
Sheila Gish - Small World (1988), Resnick: Rough Treatment (1993)
Maria Gladys - A Febre do Rato (2011)
Sylviane Gode - C'est arrivé près de chez vous (1992)
Sophie Guillemin - L'ennui (1998)
Cheryl Cohen Greene - 40 Year Old Virgins
Imanuelle Grives - Alleen maar nette mensen (2012)
Eva Gröndahl - Potatishandlaren (1996)
Anne Louise Hassing - Goltzius and the Pelican Company
Leticia Herrero - Gordos (2009)
Jean Hill - Desperate Living (1977)
Melanie Hill - Cape Wrath (2007– )
Jiji Hise - Horror in the Wind (2008), Sweetwater (2013)
Sacha Horler - Praise (1998), Soft Fruit (1999)
J.C. Howe - Black Ice (2009)
Marceline Hugot - Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2006)
Mary Beth Hurt - The Dead Girl (2006)

Carmel Johnson - Bad Boy Bubby (1993)
Dot-Marie Jones - Pucked (2006)
Tessa Peake-Jones - The Bell (1982– )
Gjertrud Jynge - Salige er de som tørster (1997)
Ewa Kasprzyk - Kariera Nikosia Dyzmy (2002)
Lainie Kazan - You Don't Mess with the Zohan (2008), Lust in the Dust (1985)
Keisha - Beer League(2006)
Heather Kelly - Mr. Jingles (2006)
Kathryn Kirkpatrick - Punch (2002)
Ashleigh Kizer - Deadwood (2004–2006)
Petra Kleinert - Agentenfieber (1997), Der Skorpion (1997), Jackpot (1996), Zwei Leben hat die Liebe (1996)
Shirley Knight - Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995)
Elina Knihtila - Haarautuvan rakkauden talo (2009)
Karen Kondazian - NYPD Blue:Season 9, Episode 12 Oh, Mama! (19 Feb. 2002)
Ricky Koole - De jurk (1996), Exit (1997)
Tracy Korsten - Maslin Beach (1997)

Ricki Lake - The Business of Being Born (2008)
Joanne Lara - The Baby Doll Murders (1993)
Andrea Lawrence - Countess Dracula (1971)
Gerti Lehner - Hundstage (2001)
Genevieve Lemon - Sweetie (1989)
Monique Lepage - In Praise of Older Women (1978)
Emma Levie - Lena (2011)
Cecilia Ljung Sista kontraktet (1998)
Alix Lakehurst - Ski Wolf (2008)
Teresa Lloyd - Last Orders (2001)
Lisa Long - Shameless: Season 3, Episode 10 Civil Wrongs (24 Mar. 2013)
Sarah B. Lund - Deadwood (2004–2006)
June Mack - Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens (1979)
Mary MacLeod - O Lucky Man! (1973) ,If.... (1968)
Paddy Madden - The True Story of Eskimo Nell (1975)
Ruth Madoc - Under Milk Wood (1972)
Yelena Maksimova - Zemlya (1930)
Camryn Manheim - The Road to Wellville (1994)
Mary Mara - Stranger Inside (2001)
Nimmy March - 40 (2003– )
Elisabeth Margoni - Les brigades du Tigre (2006), Sexo por compasión (2000)
Fiorella Masselli - Flesh for Frankenstein (1973)
Edith Massey - Female Trouble (1974)
Dana McBoobs - Carnage for the Destroyer (2006)
Lilyan McBride - The Van (1977)
Emmanuelle Michelet - Les baigneuses (2003)
Ella Mitchell - Big Momma's House (2000)
Piroska Molnár - Taxidermia (2006)
Yolande Moreau - Séraphine (2008), Quand la mer monte... (2004)
Virginia Morris - Shameless (2011– )
Eva Morkeset - The Frost (2009)
Jennifer Mudge - Boss (2011–2012)
Kathy Najimy - Nevada (1997)
Shoko Nakajima - Shiryô no wana 2: Hideki (1992)
Renate Naujoks - Herz (2001)
Holly Near - The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart (1970)
Tricia Newby - Carry on Emmannuelle (1978)
Cornelia Niemann - Ein Haus in der Toskana (1990– )
Sophie Nollet - Camping (2006)
Lena Nyman - Jag är nyfiken - en film i gult (1967), Jag är nyfiken - en film i blått (1968)
Ruth Olafsdottir - Kaldaljós (2004)
Maggie O'Neill - The Fix (1997)
Katerina Orlowska - Paradise Found (2003)
Brett Paesel - Six Feet Under (2001–2005), Transparent (2014– )
Jennifer Neala Page - The Master (2012)
Marilyn Sue Perry - The Groomsmen (2003)
Birgitta Persson - Du levande (2007)
Guadalupe Perullers - The Holy Mountain (1973)
Jennifer Podemski - Take This Waltz (2011)
Natalya Pozdnyakova - I vozvrashchaetsya veter... (1991)
Molly Price - Shameless (2011– )
Aurora Quattrocchi - Nuovomondo (2006)
Lynn Redgrave - Touched (1999)
Nadine de Rangot - Blutjunge Masseusen (1972)
Anne Reid - The Mother (2003)
Liz Renay - Desperate Living (1977)
Telma Reston - Os sete Gatinhos (1980)
Gunilla Röör - En gång om året (2012)
Ann Louise Ross - The Acid House (1998)
Beate Rostin - Allt om min buske (2007)
Sara Rue - For Christ's Sake (2010), Gypsy 83 (2001)
Bertha Ruiz - Batalla en el cielo (2005)
Cynthia Rullo - Cavegirl (1985)

Maureen Sadusk - Knightriders (1981)
Yor Jasbleidy Santos - Porfirio (2011)
Ivana Sejenovich - Frida (2002)
Ingar Sigvardsdotter - Snoken: Season 2, Episode 1 Vinnare och förlorare
Danica Sheridan - Nip/Tuck: Season 6, Episode 8 Lola Wlodkowski (2 Dec. 2009)
Julie Ann Shrode - Run! Bitch Run! (2009)
Ophelia Shtruhl - Eskimo Limon (1978)
Jole Silvani - La città delle donne (1980)
Carmen Silvera - Clinic Exclusive (1972)
Kimleigh Smith - Bad Words (2013)
Yeardley Smith - Ginger Ale Afternoon (1989)
Mariya Sokova - Rusalka (2007)
Marilyn Solaya - Fresa y chocolate (1993)
Renata Soleymany - Die Alptraumfrau (1981)
Ursula Staack - Aber Doktor (1980)
Lorraine Stanley - London to Brighton (2006)
Emma Stansfield - Gentlemen's Relish (2001), Best Laid Plans (2012)
Blaze Starr - Blaze Starr Goes Nudist (1962)
Imelda Staunton - Screenplay: Season 5, Episode 2 Antonia and Jane (18 Jul. 1990)
Paprika Steen - Jeg ville ønske for dig: Season 1, Episode 3
Bernice Stegers - Macabro (1980)
Shirley Stoler - Pasqualino Settebellezze (1975)
Jessica Tandy - Camilla (1994)
Melissa Taub - Little Witches (1996)
Margarete Tiesel - Paradies: Liebe (2012)
Greta Thorwald - Mondo Topless (1966)
Yahima Torres - Vénus noire (2010)
Aida Turturro - Illuminata (1998)

Unknown - Hymypoika (2003)
Unknown - The Lords of Salem (2012)
Unknown - Fellini - Satyricon (1969)
Unknown - Golasy (2002)
Unknown - Vyhnání z ráje (2001)
Unknown - Jiskefet (1990– )
Unknown - 4 (2005)
Sabine Urig - Mein unbekannter Ehemann (1994)
Alessandra Vazzoler - La soldatessa alle grandi manovre (1978)
Yasmine Vine - Bloodsucking Babes from Burbank (2007)
Maritta Viitamäki - Maa on syntinen laulu (1973)
Julie T. Wallace - Spine Chillers: Season 1, Episode 3 The Lovegods (7 Jul. 2003)
Bim Warne - Jag är nyfiken - en film i blått (1968)
Ursula Werner - Wolke 9 (2008)
Cyndi Williams - Room (2005)
Kathryn Wissell - Snowtown (2011)
Jane Wood - She'll Be Wearing Pink Pyjamas (1985)
Sandra Wood - MacGruber (2010)
Julie Wright - Naked and Afraid (2013– )
Susannah York - Images (1972)
Anne Zamberlan - Charlotte for Ever (1986)
Lenore Zann - The L Word: Season 5, Episode 2 Look Out, Here They Come! (13 Jan. 2008)
Mariya Zubareva - Mordashka (1990)
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