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Melisa Mendiny | Kristina U | Kristina Walker


Senior Member
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score

Melisa is a 25 years old student from Prague and an erotic model. She's only 5,3 ft tall but with an amazing body.

"I have a beautiful ass and I do nothing to hide it, I like to wear tight pants all the time and love to waddle my bum cheeks when walking. All the men I meet go crazy for my bunda linda (as they say in Brazil)". She told us.

It happened also to my married neighbor: one day he rang my doorbell and told me he didn't know how to say but... he was thinking about me all the time and that he was not anymore thinking about his wife, then he finally confessed that he was not really in love with me and, all shaking and embarrassed, he asked if I could give him a picture of my ass wearing no panties! I was a bit shocked and embarassed too, I was also worring of his wife...she could have come to know it. But he really is a lovely and polite guy, so I invited him enter the apartment, told him to sit on the sofa, than I turned on some slow music and leaved him there for few minutes. I came back wearing only a transparent nightgown, and started the best show of his life, allowing him to touch and kiss my sexy ass! You know, I've got this gift from mother nature, why not give it as a gift to someone ho deserve it? "

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