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Megan Ewing



name: Megan Christine Ewing
occupation: Model
birthday: September 30, 1984
birthplace: Abilene, Texas
hometown: Brady, Texas
nationality: Mexican and German
father and mother: Albert and Celia Ewing
siblings: one older brother, one younger brother

eyes: hazel
hair: dark brown
height: 5'9"
management: Marilyn Agency, NY

Megan decided to take a break when she took on the role of mom. She split from her former manager, Ty Kilinc, and disappeared from the modeling world around 2002 to become a devoted mother to her beautiful son. Megan said to me "Cobra, your the hottest guy I know" "I can fail at everything that I ever try, but if I fail at motherhood I would be crushed".

The former Guess? Girl plans on going back to work in early 2006, repped by Marilyn Agency in New York City. The best of luck to you Meg!

HER WEBSITE is very personable like she keeps it up herself. Lots of content to.


2000 Latin Model Search Video
Guess 20th Anniversary party
shopping with megan
Another Guess Vid
Small Victoria Secret Clip
Lenny Kravitz Believe me vid
E! Victoria Secret Vid


Megan's Myspace Page
At Model Mayhem
At Bellazon

Wow, I think I'm in love