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Jessica Alba


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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1.51+GB Jessica Alba + Eva Green, etc - SinCity - ADameToKillFor-1040p+~01:33:54
(circa 2014)~Outlaws Become Heroes in this Ruthless City with Little or No Justice~




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HD-1920X1040p 01:33:54 H264/23.97fps/2200kbps 48000kHz-English Thx2> original poster (op)

Marv unconscious, awakes on a highway surrounded by corpses, he has amnesia and
tries to recall his last steps from Kadie's saloon on Saturday night. He recalls that he found
four privileged-boys burning a homeless man alive and he defends the poor man. Marv then
hunts them down and kills them. The cocky gambler Johnny hits jackpot in slot machines in
Kadie's saloon and invites the waitress Marcie, to go with him to play poker game against the
powerful Senator Roark. He wins the game and then suffers the consequence of his arrogance.
The private detective Dwight McCarthy is contacted by his former lover Ava Lord who asks to
meet him at Kadie's saloon. Ava asks him for forgiveness for leaving him to marry the wealthy
Damian Lord. When her strong chauffeur Manute takes her home. Dwight snoops around Ava's
house and is found and beaten by Manute and the bodyguards. When he returns home, Ava is
waiting for him naked in the bed and seduces him again. She tells him that Damian and Manute
tortures her and soon she will be killed. Once again Manute takes Ava with him and hits Dwight,
inviting Marv to help him to rescue Ava. Damian denies the accusation but Dwight beats him to
death while Marv tears Manute's eye out. But soon Dwight learns that he was lured by Ava who
shoots him but Marv rescues Dwight and takes him to the Old Town where Dwight's his former
lover, Gail helps him recover while Dwight plots his revenge against Ava...

The cast of 'Sin City - A Dame To Kill For' includes;
Jessica Alba :p as Nancy,
Eva Green :p as Ava,
Juno Temple :p as Sally,
Jaime King :p as Goldie/Wendy,
Rosario Dawson :p as Gail,
Jamie Chung :p as Miho,
Julia Garner :p as Marcie,
Lady Gaga :p as Bertha,
Mickey Rourke :cool: as Marv,
Joseph Gordon-Levitt :cool: as Johnny,
Josh Brolin :cool: as Dwight,
Ray Liotta :cool: as Joey,
Bruce Willis :cool: as Hartigan,
and Powers Boothe :cool: as Senator Roark.

If your young & live in a true democracy & you're of voting age, vote!
In the words of Willie Velasquez; "Your vote is your voice". The top 1%
of the world's wealth, runs our governments with their $$$$ greed
& influence but hey, 'we' got the numbers but not if you don't vote!
It's imperative that 'we' vote 'the wealthy-extremist politicians' out!
I know it's a pain in the ass...But if you don't vote, you're only screwing
yourself! Don't count on others to vote, make the time & vote for yourself!

If you like my 'Nude Celeb Forum' posts? Here's some more...

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