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Farewell Friends


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
*** Important Message***

Allright boy's...I knew this day would eventually come....but I have decided that afther 20 years of

posting sets and video's every day I am quitting the game...at least posting in the forums,I wil

continuing posting in my blog ( but not a much as I allways have done ) it's time that my personal life

comes before cyberlife (...it allways did but as of now even more than it was...)...If I come across

something that is worth posting in the forums I wil post it...but be shure it wil not be on a daily

base...I had a verry fine time posting stuff and I am glad that I have reached the 10 million download

mark that I had set for myself and it's ok now...thanks for all the support that you boy's have givving me

over the years and take care of youreself...pervy...

Here's were you can find my blog...

Last edited:


somewhat respected
Staff member
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
Sad day for all forums! Your posts in "Babes & Glamour Models" and "Misc Groups & Shows" are legendary.
91,833 Thanks means a lot. If we gave awards for contributors, you would get the biggest.

You will be missed.​