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Eliza Dushku


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1.20GB Eliza Dushku Emmanuelle Chriqui & Lindy Booth - WrongTurn-1040p 01:14:51
(circa 2003)~Bad shit happens deep in these woods and nobody has lived to tell about it~




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HD-1920X1040p 01:14:51 H264/23.97fps/2200kbps AAC/48000kHz-English Thx2> original poster (op)

Chris Flynn is driving his car for a job interview in another city. However,
an accident with a truck transporting chemical products blocks the highway
and Chris looks for an alternate route through the mountains of West Virginia to
accomplish his schedule. Due to a lack of attention, he crashes into car parked
in the middle of the road with flat tires. Chris meets a group of five friends, who
intended to camp in the forest and they decide to leave the couple Francine~Lindy
and Evan at the crash, while Chris, Jessie~Eliza Carly~Emmanuelle and her fiancé
Scott try to find some help. They find a weird cabin in the middle of nowhere,
where three violent cannibalistic mountain men with the appearance of monsters live.
The two couples try to escape from the disgusting inbred mountain men who're after them...

The cast of 'Wrong Turn' includes;
Eliza Dushku :p as Jessie,
Emmanuelle Chriqui :p as Carly,
Lindy Booth :p as Francine,
Kevin Zegers :cool: as Evan,
Jeremy Sisto :cool: as Scott
and Desmond Harrington :cool: as Chris.

BTW; In the opening sequence, Yvonne Gaudry :p is the sexy
rock-climbing woman, who comes to a such an unpleasant end.

If your young & live in a true democracy & you're of voting age, vote!
In the words of Willie Velasquez; "Your vote is your voice". The top
1% of the world's wealth, runs our governments with their $$$$ greed
& influence but hey, 'we' got the numbers but not if you don't vote!
It's imperative that 'we' vote 'the wealthy-extremist politicians' out!
I know it's a pain in the ass! But if you don't vote, you're only screwing yourself!

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