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Cindy Crawford


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2019
Reaction score
This one was a new kind of editting for me. I did Cindy my standard way, but didnt want that monotone for the rest of the piece. I tried using an equalized layer to get back to normal looking background, then removed that layers Cindy (because she was teal blue and purple) to and underlying layer where I had fixed her up. Then it was all line work because the original was (once again from this shoot) an editted cut-in. You can see under her how the shadows are just not right in the original. I mostly just left this alone.

my edit:

gallery: https://imgbox.com/g/28UMXr7w4A
Let me know if i got any colors off.


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2019
Reaction score
I've been ripping art sites again . . .
Cindy Crawford by Herb Ritts for the 1994 Pirelli calendar; taken in Bahamas 1993.
(according to the art sites, which I'm coming to doubt more as time goes by)

3143X4000 px
ripped off of a silver gelatin print scan by me.