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Christine Marie


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2006
Reaction score
File this one under, "what the hell?" Model is extremely hot -> model only shoots suggestive shots and hand bra teases -> model acts as nude body double in direct-to-video thriller.

Here's the quote from her site: "I was recently cast as a nude body double for the horror flick "Inside Terror", it will be out this Fall on DVD. Here's some behid [sic] the scene shots, hope you enjoy the pictures:)"

The movie's actually called "Terror Inside." The whole set is boring, so I'll just post the one pic for verification plus a screengrab of the film's ending credits where you can see her name as a body double.

Now, on to the clip. Since she's a body double, you obviously don't see her face. But you do see her breasts! Both of them, gloriously up close! A word of caution. The film is a sort of grotesque thriller. In the clip, she lifts up her shirt, takes a pair of scissors, and cuts off one of her nipples. But the blood looks like corn syrup and the editing makes sure you don't actually see much of the gore. Just enjoy the boobs.
