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Burlesk | Cabaret


Respected Member
Respected Member
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
Elektra Cute
The Most Shocking Woman in Burlesque
Elektra Cute made her entree into the Twin Cities burlesque scene in 2010 and quickly ascended from cabaret novice to respected member of the local and national scene. Known for her sleek costuming, daring dance style and intoxicating stage presence, Elektra earns her tagline as 'The Most Shocking Woman in Burlesque' each time she steps on a stage. Her performances range from modern to classic, but the elements always remain high-concept. Big props and costumes, intentional choreography, a dry sense of humor and a heavy dose of sex appeal are her key elements.

Burlesque Strip SHOW - Elektra Cute Performs Burlesque at the Theatre.mp4
131.53 mb
2.31 min
