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Bella Hadid


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Bella Hadid - Dior x Travis Scott Spring 2022 25-06-21

Frankly amazed no one posted any of these. Not half as amazed as I was by the fact that people are so starved of their fix in Pandemic World that a pair of tits in a see through top drew a more excited crowd than the Dior show she attended. Mind you, the show was utter crap and the collection... Least said the better I think.

Bella Hadid's one of those women who should keep her smiles subtle and enigmatic. Unlike Christy Turlington or Barbara Palvin, who have similar bone structures, the moment Hadid cracks a full beam grin it all goes wrong. Stunning face in repose however.

Anyway. There are 160 odd shots in the gallery. No watermarks. Sufficient for any junkie craving a fix.
