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Whitney Wright is still at home getting ready to go to work and her boss Angela White is already sending her emails. When she realizes they've had a breakthrough with the trials for the new pill, she calls Angela immediately. Angela has heard this song before and is not impressed: she has bigger commitments to worry about. Whitney insists that they should meet at the office and Angela reluctantly complies. Once Whitney enters Angela's office, she can barely contain herself. She explains everything thoroughly and Angela listens attentively.
When Whitney is done talking, Angela explains that this will cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars and it still needs approval. When Whitney keeps insisting, Angela suggests she put her money where her mouth is and try the pill herself. When she hesitates, Angela scoffs at her. Determined to get this pill on the market, Whitney opens the bottle and swallows one. Whitney starts feeling the effects of the pill and Angela is prepared to take full advantage of the opportunity. She asks Whitney to come and sit on her lap but Whitney hesitates, stating that it would be inappropriate.
Angela insists and pulls her closer. Looking a little flush, she removes Whitney's shirt and notices her nipples are as hard as a rock and wonders if this is a side effect of the medication. When Whitney tells her that one of the side effects was promiscuity, Angela starts sucking on her tits. Pleased with her body's response, she undresses and fucks her research assistant. Looks like the human trials were successful and it's exactly what the doctor ordered!