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Babes & Glamour Models - cleaned

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Senior Member
Jan 21, 2017
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Take down notice - copyright infringement melisamendini-world.com


I am David, the webmaster and photographer of melisamendini-world.com. I am not hiding behind a fake name as most of you.

We are happy you like the photos of our website but ask you to immediately stop posting the full sets of our website for free. This photosets are made exclusively for the members of our website and are protected by copyright, sharing in part or in full on other websites / forums is forbidden.

This is Kristina's (Melisa Mendini) professional job, her source of income. By posting this photos for free she looses members and so also income, meaning she will not be able to keep running her website. Do you have any idea how much a production for photo- and video sets costs? Rent of locations, travel costs, booking other models, photographer, running the website and then she still needs to earn on it herself. Do you realise she paid a lot of it from her own money to get the website started and we still put our own money on top of what the website earns to keep it running?

If you would like her to keep posing and create new content, then please support her instead of stealing and causing damage, because she will stop as she is extremely angry and tired of the disrespectful behaviour of people like you. Good enough to show herself naked so you can enjoy her beauty but not good enough to deserve respect and get paid for her work, just as you all want to be paid for your work! I am not kidding, she has enough of it of working hard but not earning with it because people like you aren't thankful, don't even show respect and post her work for free. If you keep pushing by uploading sets on forums for free, she will stop completely with posing. I guess that is not what you all want right?

If you support her, then she will happily continue shooting for her website because she loves her job and appreciate her real fans who really support her, but just as all of you, she also needs to be able to pay her bills so she has to be paid for her job! You all understand this simple basic logic in your own situation but from the moment it is for models and producers, you all seem to have lost your brain.

Please remove all photos and videos and the download links of melisamendini-world.com from this forum and all other sites / forums you posted them. Refusing to remove our content, will be seen as wilful copyright infringement which is punishable by law and we will demand a financial compensation. You have no right to distribute our content in any way.

@Petro99 : congrats with putting yourself in her top 3 of most hated people thanks to the amount of content you share. She is a warm-harted person so it's not easy to get there, you can be proud of your self.

If you come here to share our content or download it for free, then don't call yourselves fans! And that goes for all other websites / models / producers. They all put a lot of time, money and sacrifices in it and they all deserve to get paid for their work!!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.




Senior Member
Jan 21, 2017
Reaction score
For those of you who think you are supporting her and what you do is advertising... guess again.

It would be advertising if you post a couple of photos (and not only the open legs) and post a link to our website for the full set.

It is far from supportive advertising if you post full sets and download links to download sets for free!

We spend thousands of dollars each year to create content and keep the website running, every member we miss because they can download the content here for free, is cutting our budget for new content, new features on the website and the budget needed to keep it running. I would like to see who of you would keep working if your boss or customers don't pay you after you did your job.


I am David, the webmaster and photographer of melisamendini-world.com. I am not hiding behind a fake name as most of you.

We are happy you like the photos of our website but ask you to immediately stop posting the full sets of our website for free. This photosets are made exclusively for the members of our website and are protected by copyright, sharing in part or in full on other websites / forums is forbidden.

This is Kristina's (Melisa Mendini) professional job, her source of income. By posting this photos for free she looses members and so also income, meaning she will not be able to keep running her website. Do you have any idea how much a production for photo- and video sets costs? Rent of locations, travel costs, booking other models, photographer, running the website and then she still needs to earn on it herself. Do you realise she paid a lot of it from her own money to get the website started and we still put our own money on top of what the website earns to keep it running?

If you would like her to keep posing and create new content, then please support her instead of stealing and causing damage, because she will stop as she is extremely angry and tired of the disrespectful behaviour of people like you. Good enough to show herself naked so you can enjoy her beauty but not good enough to deserve respect and get paid for her work, just as you all want to be paid for your work! I am not kidding, she has enough of it of working hard but not earning with it because people like you aren't thankful, don't even show respect and post her work for free. If you keep pushing by uploading sets on forums for free, she will stop completely with posing. I guess that is not what you all want right?

If you support her, then she will happily continue shooting for her website because she loves her job and appreciate her real fans who really support her, but just as all of you, she also needs to be able to pay her bills so she has to be paid for her job! You all understand this simple basic logic in your own situation but from the moment it is for models and producers, you all seem to have lost your brain.

Please remove all photos and videos and the download links of melisamendini-world.com from this forum and all other sites / forums you posted them. Refusing to remove our content, will be seen as wilful copyright infringement which is punishable by law and we will demand a financial compensation. You have no right to distribute our content in any way.

@Petro99 : congrats with putting yourself in her top 3 of most hated people thanks to the amount of content you share. She is a warm-harted person so it's not easy to get there, you can be proud of your self.

If you come here to share our content or download it for free, then don't call yourselves fans! And that goes for all other websites / models / producers. They all put a lot of time, money and sacrifices in it and they all deserve to get paid for their work!!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.




Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 8, 2014
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Maria - Peeing Bride

Gallery: 90 - Pics - 411.88 MB - 4000px
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Vids - 03:12m
1080p - mp4 - 187.59 MB

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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
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Ebbi - Tempted to touch

100 pcis, 2397x1600, 202 MB

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