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Registered User
Dec 28, 2023
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Who is Eliza Rose Watson?

Eliza Rose Watson is a 32-year-old model and social media personality from Dorset. In 2016, she graduated from university with a major in Psychology. But after she finished university she developed an addiction to drugs and alcohol.
She said she used to enjoy drinks but soon found herself necking down "neat vodka and whisky", which led to an addiction which lasted four years.
“Any money I could get went on getting alcohol or cocaine," she told the Mirror. It was thanks to a friend who suggested Eliza joined an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
Eliza Rose said: "She turned up at my door one day and I was so tired that I went with her. "I was at the end of being able to cope. I’d made several attempts at suicide by then, spending time in hospital and police custody," she said. "I knew I couldn't go on." Eliza attended all the AA meetings, followed the 12-step programme to recovery, and managed to turn her life around.

What does Eliza Rose Watson do for a living?

Before starting her OnlyFans, Eliza worked as a teacher. She used to teach children from the 2 to 4 age group.
Eliza once said that she always loved to spend time with kids but wasn’t satisfied with the income it generated so eventually left the profession to pursue other avenues.

Is Eliza Rose Watson dating?

Despite being such a popular social media figure, she rarely talks about her dating life. It is not known if Eliza has a partner or is currently single.


Eliza Rose Watson - Black lingerie dance

File size: 121MB
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 00:02:45
File type: MP4

DOWNLOAD: Keep2Share

I love her ass, so sexy!!:love::love:
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Deleted member 367074

02/02/24?? wait, is she back to posting content?
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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Why was all her stuff removed from onlysites? Am I missing something?
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Senior Member
Jun 18, 2008
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15-02-2024-Lana 020 video 19.07 min 412 MB

Filesize: 412 MB (432.783.553 bytes)



File Type: MP4

Download Link:



Banned User
Mar 18, 2024
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Well, talk about turning the tables! Kanae went from housewife to real estate powerhouse, all thanks to her secret weapon: JUY-084, aka the power of a tight skirt! Who knew fashion could boost sales? 😄