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Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
Then we don't have much choice other than posting old content, do we?
or alternatively just leave the old content that's already up where it is, rather than being a broken record. Post if she comes out of retirement or there's something new worth seeing instead of updating with stuff from 2017 (Many of the ones sayin 2022 are bullshit and from earlier years).
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Registered User
Dec 13, 2022
Reaction score
or alternatively just leave the old content that's already up where it is, rather than being a broken record. Post if she comes out of retirement or there's something new worth seeing instead of updating with stuff from 2017.
What are you talking about? Just in the last 3 pages, you got 30 or so posts...2 from 2017, 1 or 2 from 2020 and the rest is from 2021 and 2022? Are you retarded? If you dont like it just beat it.
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
What are you talking about? Just in the last 3 pages, you got 30 or so posts...2 from 2017, 1 or 2 from 2020 and the rest is from 2021 and 2022? Are you retarded? If you dont like it just beat it.
All ancient, she's been retired for ages so stop updating the thread unless it's new. Over half the ones saying 2022 on the thread are from years ago, just mislabeled for clicks. Seen all of those a dozen times, just post if she makes new shit. Also fuck off greaseball Guido/spic dickhead, you beat it if you want rehashed bullshit on the thread.
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