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Respected Member
Respected Member
Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score
Release Date : 11/17/20 (NEW!!!)


Age: 29 | Height: 5'7" | Figure: 34DDD-27-36

It's been several years since the last time we saw beautiful Lexi on the site, and wow she is looking hotter than ever if that's possible! Our first glimpse of her here today is in a cute white dress as she dances her way out onto the back patio, slipping out of her clothes and showing off that big juicy booty. Soon she's completely nude and bouncing around, enjoying the music and celebrating her incredible curves at the same time! After her dance we see her on an outdoor chair, spreading her hole open and sliding more and more fingers inside til she's nearly fisting herself. She was in the mood for more, though, and soon she gets her pink vibrating toy in the mix as well and bringing herself to a nice strong orgasm! Inside on the living room couch she introduces one of her favorite personal toys, a large dildo that's just the right size for her to tittyfuck herself with, and wow those breasts look amazing as she slides her toy up and down between them...and even better as she rides on top, taking it deep inside! Soon she's fucking herself with the toy and rubbing her clit with her other hand, bringing herself to a nice strong orgasm...which we get to see from two different angles. Heading to the pool table we see her knocking a few balls around, bending over with that super sexy butt peeking out from under her skirt...and then climbing up on top of the table doggystyle wearing just her high heel shoes! Grabbing a black vibrating toy we see her masturbating on top of the table, using her fingers to penetrate herself and cumming again with a strong eye-rolling orgasm. Next she changes gears, heading outdoors to show how she stays fit and we see her jogging in her workout gear in a park...with a toy inserted the whole time! After one more masturbation session in the passenger seat of the photographer's car she has to run to catch her flight out...but it's an amazing return to FT\/ with this gorgeous busty and vivacious MILF, enjoy!


Hi, I'm Lexi Luna and I'm from Indiana, the Crossroads of America! In search of bigger opportunities I moved to my transplant home, Florida, and fell in love with the people, the culture, and the weather. After turning 25, I left my career as an educator and stumbled upon the adult industry through an online forum. After doing diligent research, I decided to jump in feet first to this amazing world filled with strong businesswomen. Now, I'm in my 5th year of loving what I do and who I do it with.

In my spare time, I like to do jigsaw puzzles and travel. My dream destination is Melbourne, Australia because I want to explore the wildlife there. I'm an animal lover and support many local and national animal charities. I also love to play video games on my Nintendo Switch system, especially Mario Party! Reality TV is my guilty pleasure meaning that, yes, I have watched the Kardashians as well as Teen Mom.

As far as my porn career goes, I have aspirations of getting behind the camera as well as helping new models achieve success with their career goals. An educator at heart, I'm passionate about teaching people how to have positive relationships, how to have awesome sex, and how to keep yourself safe through all of it.

You can find more of me at iwantlexi.com as well as my social media. Instagram: @beyondLEXpectations Twitter: @lexilunaxoxo and my backup Twitter: @lexilunaxxx

Videographer/Photographer's Comments :

Hi Fellas, Lia here! When I think about the all American Milf, a girl like Lexi is what comes to mind. Seeing her with her huge tits, bangs, smile, and wearing a flowered sun dress is what all teenage boys want their friend's mom to look like. The type that welcomes you with bagel bites after school while playing video games. We started off the day catching up with her. Then some serious fingering ass view style. You can tell she works out and takes pride in living an extremely healthy lifestyle. We also did a workout thing at the local park. Where 2 rappers were smoking blunts and staring at her bouncing all over the place. So, we decided to leave and did our best attempt at 1 last car masturbation (since I was selling my car soon). But maybe 6pm is not the prime time to do that. Since all the neighbors were returning home from work. She is not extremely hot and super smart. If you run into her pushing a cart at the grocery store... Say hi she is super sweet. Enjoy


Total Duration : 00:54:14 / 00:51:05
Total Size : 4,62 Gb / 4,35 Gb
Resolution : 1920 x 1080 / 1920 x 1080
FileType : mp4


Video I - An Incredible Return!



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