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Lily - Little Teen Masturbator
Release Date : 04/18/20 (NEW!!!)

Age: 19 | Height: 5'4" | Figure: 32B-25-34

We meet stunning angelic and innocent-looking Lily as she relaxes on an outdoor chair, and we immediately note how soft-spoken and open and charismatic she is. She's just recently moved to LA (with her cats) and is exploring the West, and is excited to see what the big city has to offer! After a brief introduction (and a little playtime with the dog) we see her on the couch spreading her legs, slipping off her cute panties and masturbating with a magic wand type toy...and then adding a dildo to the mix for both penetration and vibration pleasure! We note the wet sounds as she gets more and more turned on by her play, bringing herself to the first orgasm of the day. Next, at the top of the stairs, we watch her enjoy more stimulation first using her fingertips and then the powerful vintage Vibraking toy for another nice climax! Afterwards we see a sexy dance after she changes into a red top and matching skirt wtih white high heels, then stripping nude and getting kinky with a cucumber which she slides inside. Heading outdoors in the sunshine in her stretchy pink shorts we watch her stretching and showing her flexibility, doing cartwheels in the grass like a cheerleader before heading back to the house and showing her oral sex technique on a suction cup dildo. After sucking on it for a bit we watch from close up as she inserts it, sliding it into her hole and spreading her legs to enjoy full penetration depth! Lily is a gorgeous slender girl with an amazing body, and it's a pleasure seeing it in action here on xxx.


Hi! My name is Lily. I am originally from Pennsylvania, but I recently moved to California. I guess that means I am officially a Cali girl now. I love the beach and warm weather here! I also love pets. I have 2 furry kitties of my own named Gus and Hazel. They are brother and sister and I adopted them. They're so cute! One of my biggest passions is to travel. I would probably travel anywhere but I am dying to travel to Spain and the Greek Islands. I went to college for a little bit but now I am modeling and I love it! It's so much fun. In my free time if I'm not at the beach or hanging with my kitties, I love to do yoga, cook vegan food, and hang out with my friends. Some of my biggest dreams and goals are to continue doing what I do now and work for my favorite companies. Eventually I want to own a company of my own! I hope to see you guys again soon and I hope you enjoy my work. You can follow me on my social medias to stay in touch! I have Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat all @LilyLarimar

Videographer/Photographer's Comments :

Man you guys, let me tell you about Lily. She is 100% who we all like to think she is. A perfect all American, excuse me Californian girl. Many great qualities. Great smile, personality, hair, eyes, legs, nipples, and pussy to name a few. But my absolute favorite thing I learned about her is she is...she is normal! She really is. Smart, low maintenance, drama free, and independent. You can tell she was raised the right way. A true "diamond in the rough". I love the fact that she can get off just using her fingers. Very rare with all the toys that are out now. She is a catch for sure. Made for a great day of shooting! She is a keeper in my book! She's a gorgeous girl, and here's her application photos:


Total Duration : 01:07:42
Total Size : 5,77 Gb
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
FileType : mp4


Video I - Her Strong Orgasms

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