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My assignment today was to show new Fake Taxi hire Emily Bright the ropes of driving a cab, but when I got in the car, I wasn’t expecting her to be so sexy! I told her how when you drive the taxi it can get pretty boring, so your customers are usually your only fun. I also told her about this one time when a girl asked to see my boobs, and since she was hot, I said of course. I like girls more than men, they have nicer bodies. Guys are like dildos that move themselves! Emily laughed at this and agreed, and we started…
Tags: Financial domination, Fetish, 1080p Video, Big Boobs, Girls femdom, Sucking dick, Tesla
Joana’s intent is to drive us all crazy-nuts. Playing with her big, fantastic natural boobs is the first step. They are perfect in every way. The second step is to slip out of clothes and heels and open her legs to show us what paradise is. Joana is just as much of a mystery as she was when she started. So many awesome girls have come from Romania since we first started going there in 2003. Joana was one of the first of them, along with Crisa Angel, and then the explosion a few years later. There’s more to explore and hopefully in time we will uncover many new hot Romanian babes, hopefully with Joana’s help. There’s a big boob gene pool in Romania, a nation with one of the biggest adult webcam communities on the planet. .
Tags: Solo, Sexy, Erotic,Tesla, Softcore, Masturbation