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What is "Jihad"?

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Exp0sed Board Member
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Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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**If you post something and it "mysteriously" disappears, its probably been moved to Jihad. Please check there first before reposting it, or else we'll just have to move it there AGAIN, which is very annoying**

Officially, Jihad is an Islamic word, which translated means "Holy War". For example, Usama Bin Laden is currently involved in a Jihad against the "western world"

Here at the forum, we interpret the word a little differently. We use it in a somewhat satirical manner to mock those people who make useless posts. We are not making fun of anyone's religious beliefs and we don't want any of our members to be emotionally scared by having their posts sent to Jihad.

The types of things that may get your post sent there, are making immature, rude or unecessary comments, reposting links or pictures that have already been posted elsewhere (no need to be posted again), or anything else that the mods and I do not deem as a valuable contribution to the forum.

Every member should strive to post high quality, original content and if you manage to accomplish that, you should be able to stay out of Jihad.
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Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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there are some members that obviously don't understand the concept of having their posts sent to the trash, which is probably why they keep reposting the stuff that was deleted.

those people should probably read through the threads in this forum.


somewhat respected
Staff member
Aug 25, 2005
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Members have access to Jihad. Look in your profile, "Statistics/Find all posts by.." Anything found in Jihad section was put there for a reason; do not repost it. Ask me or a SuperModerator for explanation.

Posts moved to Jihad can be edited (corrected) by the poster then returned to a Celebrity Content Vault thread by me or any SuperModerator, by request.
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