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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Infraction for BestCeleb4you: Fakes Are Prohibited

Post: Miley Cyrus
User: BestCeleb4you
Infraction: Fakes Are Prohibited
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been infracted

Message to User:
It's not just that you posted fakes.
It's that yu made me search for Miley Cyrus pictures-Miley fucking Cyrus-in orer to verify that they are indeed fakes.
There isn't enough carbolic in the world to scour my brain of that.

Original Post:


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Warning for Squeszh: Comments In Content Threads

Post: Miley Cyrus
User: Squeszh
Infraction: Comments In Content Threads
Points: 0

Administrative Note:
Why you have just been warned

Message to User:
Don't comment in the content thread. If you want to report something use the report button or PM a moderator. If you want to discuss something copy the material over to the discussions section.
You're not telling us anything we didn't know. You're just making more work for us.

Original Post:

FAKE... She WAS topless, but not bottomless...


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Don't Post Fakes

This is just one of a series of fakes posted here and removed by me
This is the original

Pay attention to the shape of the rock in the background and the tattoos on her side.
Leaving aside the fact that there are so many real pictures of Cyrus' tired tits and knackered out cunt to make all fakes redundant, forcing me to actually search the internet for real pictures of this disgusting trailer park ladyboy in order to confirm the fakes is about as heinous a torment as I can face.
Be aware that I will hunt you down and batter you like a ginger stepchild if you post this shit and make me look for the originals.
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