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Real or Fake?

JR Quilcon

Senior Member
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
OK I've a few questionable pics. Dunno if they're fake or real!

First: Sara Gilbert. She was around 19 when I downloaded this, lo these many years ago. If it's a fake I think they did a fine job with the hair
Second: Winona Ryder. My first post and it was thrown in Jihad as a fake. I tend to think it's not, 'cause I also saw a pic lookin' like it was taken a couple seconds later of her fixing her dress. (didn't save that one- more's the pity!)
Third: Also Winona Ryder...don't know either way!

OK folks, what do YOU think!

JR Quilcon


JR Quilcon

Senior Member
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
Well, dayum! They're a lot more sophisticated n'I ever dreamed!



Senior Member
Oct 21, 2010
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If I recall correctly, the girl in the first image of post 1 is actually Melissa Gilbert?? and is a real pic..... I stand to be corrected.

JR Quilcon

Senior Member
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
OK, A Couple more...

First:Christina Applegate, I tend to think it's a fake, but am not certain as it was labeled 'authentic' and sometimes the internet is even true! :p

Second: Courtney Love. I heard she was doin' some weird shit before fame & fortune made things even weirder, so I just don't know!

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Respected Member
Respected Member
Dec 30, 2011
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If I recall correctly, the girl in the first image of post 1 is actually Melissa Gilbert?? and is a real pic..... I stand to be corrected.

sorry to bust your bubble but its not melisa gilbert

she only got toples one time in a move called sylvester and it was a r@p3 scene



Respected Member
Respected Member
Dec 30, 2011
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OK, A Couple more...

First:Christina Applegate, I tend to think it's a fake, but am not certain as it was labeled 'authentic' and sometimes the internet is even true! :p

Second: Courtney Love. I heard she was doin' some weird shit before fame & fortune made things even weirder, so I just don't know!

if you do google image search you will find that they are fake photos


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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The best way to spot fakes, is not based on the pictures themselves, but based on the person.

Just consider whether you believe that the person in question would pose nude or not. I know sometimes we take it for granted that so many celebs pose nude at some point in their life, but many don't.

Quite often, it comes down to how dumb or how desperate the person is. The more intelligent and/or more famous someone is, the less likely they are to pose nude (because they don't feel they have to)

Even if they have had a nude scene in a movie, doesn't necessarily mean they will ever do a nude photo shoot (example: Kate Beckinsale)

JR Quilcon

Senior Member
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
The best way to spot fakes, is not based on the pictures themselves, but based on the person.

This is so true!

The Courtney Love pic, for example, I believe is real 'cause she has a couple other B&D pics verified real.

Most difficult for me are the 'wardrobe malfunction' kind- 'specially if the woman involved has often been photographed in skimpy outfits.

Within the last 10 years or so, one can determine if a contemporary pic is real 'cause any genuine nip-slip is instantly known about. Not so with ones from earlier periods, tho!

OTOH, we have the occasional 'accidental post" selfie pic nowadays, which tends to compensate for things...
