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Tools and Tips for Downloading


Exp0sed Board Member
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Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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Thanks to Potatoman who got this somewhere. I may edit / update this sometime if I feel like it.

Here are a few tools that will help you with things you are looking for..

An excellent porn gallery search engine- www.askjolene.com

Another: www.xahara.com

Looking for centerfold, actress, celeb, or model pics? Wanna search by name, breast size, hair color, even Eye color?

Go here: http://www.centerfoldsearch.com/

For info on Porn stars and porn films

Internet Adult Film Database- www.iafd.com


Safe Surfing

The biggest problem you have when browsing porn sites is popups. You can download these to stop popups, all free:


http://www.free.surfer.tc/mail or http://www.tucows.com/preview/252810.html

A whole bunch all free

There are browsers that also have built-in popup blocking abilities. one is Mozilla. Others are Opera and Crazy Browser.

Another way is to make a hosts file that filters out any links you put it into it.


Keep your hand on the ALT+F4 or CTRL+W keys in case you find a site your popup blocker doesn't filter. Hitting ALT-F4 kills the active window, but don't do it too fast or you could kill another program you didn't intend to.

Have your computer checked for viruses now and then.

online virus scanner

Disabling Active Scripting in your browser is also a good precaution.


Tools for obtaining Porn

These programs will aid you in the quest for the ultimate porn collection.

Httrack is a free (open source) and easy-to-use offline browser utility.

It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.

Usenet porn:

Newsbin is the Ultimate Usenet Downloading Tool. It downloads, decodes, and reassembles any binary attachment including movies, music, pictures, even software. If any combination of servers or groups has a complete file, NewsBin will download it because it has the unique feature of re-assembling files across servers and groups. NewsBin is the fastest tool of its kind, no other binary newsreader can match its speed.

It is the best, but it's only a trial. Other free ones are Xnews, BNR, or Grabit.

Don't know anything about Usenet?
http://www.faqs.org/usenet/ or http://www.slyck.com/newsgroups.html

This site is an excellent guide to downloading from Usenet from the perspective of many different major newsreaders.

IEimage allows you to right click on a gallery page and get the linked images in a separate window, then save all the pics o a folder without the attached page.

Nausicaa has an option in it's file menu to save all links on a page. Great for TGP link lists. It is one of my "tools" ;)

Text2HTML converts lists of links to HTML pages. This is very useful when you get lists of site passes you have to copy and paste into IE all the time.

Sixate Recommends EZPics. EZPics is a sequential image downloader. What does that mean? Well imagine a website hosts a set of images named: image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, and so on. EZPics can be used to easily download all the pictures in the set. EZPics works with what I call EZCodes. EZCodes contain all the information needed to download an entire series of images. And now with the new EZCode format, making EZCodes is even easier. The idea is that people can trade EZCodes for easy image downloading. Now with the newest version of EZPics you are no longer limited to just downloading images. Any kind of file can be downloaded.

SiN recommends Mediaqueue as an alternative to EZPics uses EZCodes too.


Video Tools

The The K-lite Codec Pack is a comprehensive group of codecs that allow you play movie encoded in other formats such as Divx and XviD, as well as alternatives for Real and Quicktime.

Still can't hear Audio or see the picture? Find out what codecs are being used in the clip with Gspot

AsfTools is a free windows 98/ME/2000/XP program to process ASF,WMV and WMA files.

Peck's Power Join enables the user to join a bunch AVI-Files to one big movie. However I would recommend using Virtualdub

VCD Cutter works with mpegs.

How to use Proxies

There are a few here who don't know how to use Proxies to keep passes from dying an early death and to anonymize their IPS. I'm gonna show this in IE and Mozilla.

What is it?
Proxy servers sit between a client program (typically a Web browser) and an external server (typically another server on the Web) to filter requests, improve performance, and share connections.
What that definition doesn't cover is the fact you can be anonymous online with the right proxy.

Why Proxies, Holo?

When you use Paysite passes they log how many times that account is used, and they track how many different IPS are using it. By using a proxy you narrow the amount of unique IPs connecting to that account. Plus for you paranoid folk It is a way to make yourself anonymous. Your real IP is hidden from any site you surf under a proxy if the proxy supports anonymous connections.

So how do I do it?


You go to Tools- internet options- connections - LAN Settings. Check the Proxy server box and fill in the proxy's IP and port number in the boxes. Hit ok and you are now proxied and anonymous!

You can also get a little tool for IE called Proxypal. This tool gives you a little button on top on the toolbar that allows you t o toggle your proxy on and off:


For Mozilla.

Edit - Preferences- Advanced-Proxies and check the manual cfg. Enter the info in the required boxes and click OK.

Hopefully an Opera User could post the method that browser uses since I don't have Opera


How to use wget.

You ever get a link to a gallery of pics and you want them all without clicking and saving? This is where wget comes in really handy. You don't have to have your browser eat up 200 megs displaying them all using IE Image in IE or Tab Downloader in Mozilla.

After you unpack wget to a dir just create a shortcut to wget.exe and place it in your PATH (the main windows dir). Then every time you find something like this and you want all the pics just hit windows key + r to bring up the Run box then type "wget --recursive (siteurl)" without the quotes and hit Enter. Wget does the rest. Using IE Image or Magpie in your browser for pics like these is a bad idea due to size. Right click save as is not an option. Use this to save your galleries and your life will be a lot easier.

to get a copy of wget just go here. This has the SSL libs (essential) and everything included.


to give you an example of how convenient it is....in the time I've typed this post wget has already dled all of those pics in the background.

Now the reward...try your new toy with these galleries: Just type in wget --recursive and paste one of the URLs and hit enter. It does the rest.

Peter hegre fucking Luba


Carmella Decesare


Enjoy and good luck


The Ultimate Porn Browser

Yes I am talking about Mozilla. This thread i will show the ways you can make this browser into the ultimate all-in-one porn gathering prorgram.


Diggler - Diggler is a small but powerful add-on for Mozilla and Netscape. It adds a button next to the location bar which can clear the location bar (much like the one in Konqueror) but also drops down a menu with some useful actions such as being able to disable popup windows and navigate to parent directories in URLs (handy for FTP operations and nested sites).



Linky- Linky is a very simple addon to the context menu that provide you with the following:

Opens all links in a selection in new tabs or windows
Finds and opens link in plain text in a new tab or window
Opens all links on page in new tabs or windows
Open all links that appears to be linking to an image in new tabs or windows
Shows all links that appears to be linking to an image in one new tab or window
Open all links that appears to be linking to an image in one new tab or window
Select links Dialog
Preferences panel


Leech- If you have ever wanted a quick way to download all the files (images, video clips, zip archives, etc.) from a single page, then the leech add-on is for you. It integrates wget into the right click menu so you can launch it on a page in a single click.


SpiderZilla- Integrates Httrack into Mozilla's tools menu. Good for a quick and dirty download, but lacks the customization the full version has.



And the best tool of all..

RefSpoof- An integrated URL spoofer!


Add to this the default stuff like popup blocking and protection from various ActiveX objects and Spyware this is THE browser to look for porn on the web.

In my tutorial I already cover Linky, an addon that allows you to open multiple links in a tab or tabs. The problem is that if you find sets that aren't directly linked as jpg, e.g. hotchick.html where the HTML contains the jpg and prevents leeching youre screwed. Not anymore.

Tab Downloader is an add-on for Mozilla and Netscape 7.0 that allows you to automatically save the content of all tabs that follow the current tab. This makes it very easy to bulk download images from websites, especially when used in conjunction with background tab loading.


It's exclusively made for Firebird(Phoenix) now but there are older version that are for Mozilla. I'm using it to rip a site by hand and it's already saved me 800 right click save as :D


Senior Member
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
Just after reading this from start to finish & have to say it's an excellent post. I learnt a lot. Thanks for putting in the time mate

Question: will wget work for me when I want to download full sets of thumbnailed pictures that have been posted in threads here using ImageShack etc. Basically I'm trying to take the hassle out of having to open every single pic, then right-click & save-as in say something like the Next Door Nikki thread
Last edited:


cman said:
In my tutorial I already cover Linky, an addon that allows you to open multiple links in a tab or tabs. The problem is that if you find sets that aren't directly linked as jpg, e.g. hotchick.html where the HTML contains the jpg and prevents leeching youre screwed. Not anymore.

Tab Downloader is an add-on for Mozilla and Netscape 7.0 that allows you to automatically save the content of all tabs that follow the current tab. This makes it very easy to bulk download images from websites, especially when used in conjunction with background tab loading.

just to update, tab downloader is old and doesn't work with v1.5. I posted a new method for downloading php protected and whatever other non jpg links in THIS THREAD taking advantage of Firefox addins "Linky" "Down them All" and "Magpie"


I Love Lamp
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
There was a site that someone posted that enabled a user to enter a url and you could scroll through sequential pages or indexes without having to enter the number. Any clues?


Exp0sed Board Member
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Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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you mean fusker?

don't get me started on that site. every webmaster in the whole wants to blugeon that guy with an ice pick.


I Love Lamp
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
No...not Fusker. It was some site you could enter a url that had sequential indexes. And instead of changing the number in the url bar you could just hit the "next" button, and it would automatically go to the next page.


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
in Mozilla, I'm particularly fond of Imagegrabber. it allows you to get all those thumbnail links by clicking "Get all images on page" in the tools dropdown.