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ShareNXS Upgrades are now complete


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
Been a long time I apologize for that, but we finally got the green light from our host stating ShareNXS should be fail safe. 0 downtime. so help me test this theory and hammer the site with downloads and uploads.

we also plan to start dumping ads. the ads were necessary to get us through the recession and pay for the upgrades. but was never what we intended for ShareNXS.

The only ad we really want is the non annoying popunder.

Time to start fixing bugs and annoyances with the site. so any complaints or request please put them here as the other thread was getting quite long


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
I tried it out with IHG on your Vanessa Hudgens post - fantastic !