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La Jana


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2012
Reaction score
La Jana
Dancer and actress
BORN 24 Feb 1905, near Wien - DIED 13 Mar 1940, Berlin.
REAL NAME Hiebel, Henriette Margaretha
When she was two years old her family moved to Frankfurt am Main. At eight she was already dancing. She performed at cabarets in Paris, Berlin, Stockholm and London and featured in many movies. According to Geza von Cziffra (who knew her well) crown prince Wilhelm was one of her lovers. In 1934 she toured in England and Scotland. By the time she returned to Germany she was very famous. In the winter of 1939/40, La Jana was engaged for a multi-city tour of Germany entertaining the troops, since her fame made her an assured draw. In February 1940, she fell ill with bilateral pneumonia, and she died on 13 March 1940 in Berlin. After her death her last movie "Stern von Rio" was released.


La Jana in "Der Tiger von Eschnapur/The Tiger of Eschnapur" (Germany,1938)

AVI|720X576|00:03:09|211.4 Mb


AVI|720X576|00:04:14|266.6 Mb


Plus exsotic dances from the movie

AVI|720X576|00:01:07|59.6 Mb
