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Jennifer Aniston in the video thread


Senior Member
Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
Can we please put a cap on the posting of EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of Friends? It's gotten a bit ridiculous. %90 of them are not even close to titillating or even the slightest bit revealing, not even her famous nips-under-the-shirt showing.

Okay I got that out of my system.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2013
Reaction score
Another example of how some stuff is allowed to stay up no matter what and other threads are decimated or deleted entirely for "not enough skin" even though material on that paricular person is almost impossible to find.
There is no consistency to the moderation or the application of "The Rules"


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
BooBooTheBear, will you ever stop complaining? There are plenty of other forums out there that allow almost every pic to be posted, some even multiple times. Go find one for yourself. Or check google image search. But for the love of ... Stop complaining.

wileecoyote1969, I get what you're saying and I agree, some threads are ridiculous but unfortunately the "no skin" rule does not apply there. I wish it did but as long as the powers above don't change the rules (while some stupid rules have been implemented), those kind of posts keep on coming. Feel free take it up with the admins (privately).


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
Looks like it was was all removed, its too bad because there was some good sexy post ( alot more sexier then other post that stayed).