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Internet Model Dream Team



At The Point: Nastia Mouse (The Eyes make my heart melt) (Great Perky Boobs)

Off Gaurd: Cinderella-Girl (Tightest Body Ever) (Huge Boobs on a Perfect Body)

Small Forward: Nikki Sims (Total Package) (Pretty Face tight body and Huge Boobs)

Power Forward: ChristinaModel (The Legand) (The Boobs that started an industry)

Center: Faith Nelson (Pretty Blonde Nasty Girl) (Body that never stops)

Sixth Man: Pixie Pillows (Cute Smile) (Boobs that Rival any others)

ps. Nothing to do tonight and i am very bored.


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
goalkeeper: caroline trentini (tall and strong enough i guess).
central defender : rosie jones and sora aoi ( for being so 'boobies'.. but i wish they were taller),
wingback : maleena morgan and sasha grey.. (natural boobs and frontal action..they might be very fast).
midfielders : rosie huntington,alesandra ambrosio,miranda kerr (since they already know each other well..there would be some good understanding on the pitch).
strikers : candice swanepoel.esti ginzburg,.(two young rising stars)..and a well experienced model..gisele bundchen..

because they re all world class,.
the manager would be...madonna.