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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score

721.7MB Madonna & Willem Dafoe - BodyOfEvidence+~01:31:15 HD ~ 1280X720p
(circa 1993)~This is the cause of death, her name is Rebecca. Was it an act of love or murder?~




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HQ~@~Fullscreen~HD-1280X720 01:31:15 44100kHz~English H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

A millionaire is found dead of heart failure handcuffed to a bed
with a home video tape of him & his lover. When cocaine is found
in his system & in his will leaves $8 million to that lover, Rebecca.
They arrest Rebecca~Madonna :razz: on suspicion of murder. Then her
lawyer, Frank~Willem Dafoe :cool: succumbs to her overt sexuality &
begins a scandalous sexual affair with her! As new evidence turns up
during trial, he begins to wonder if he's defending a devious murderer..?

BTW; Julianne Moore :razz: portrays Sharon, Frank's sexy
betrayed wife & Anne Archer :razz: portrays the millionaire's
secretary & his lover who was also on that home video tape.

Ever since I saw Willem Dafoe in 'Platoon' he's been a favorite actor of mine!!

Here's a link to a bunch my posts here at NCF.

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