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Celebrity/Supermodel GIFs

Steve Old Boy

May 21, 2010
Reaction score
Lisa Baur: Animal House (animated GIFs)

She's strapped into a 1960s bra and doing everything she can to make her sweater meat move - except grab them and push them around. No problem on the stairs, but it takes a bit of effort while seated.

"Otter" will give her some help in the next scene...

Steve Old Boy

May 21, 2010
Reaction score
Lisa Baur: more Animal House (animated GIFs)

Otter grabs a handful, gets her out of that sweater and bra, and then there's a nice jiggle as she escapes.

In the original 4:3 movie format, there's a crotch shot and some more petting that aren't visible in the widescreen version:

I wonder if someone with the right graphic skills couldn't explore the upskirt issue a bit further. As I mentioned in post #1, there's reasonable doubt about whether she's wearing panties...
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Steve Old Boy

May 21, 2010
Reaction score
Lisa Baur: Charlie's Angels (s2e3 animated GIFs)

"Pretty Angels All in a Row" (originally aired 28 Sep 1977) - it's anybody's guess which contestant she is in these first series:

There's just a brief close-up of her chrysanthemums, and that's it for her career on the small screen:
